Spring Project Overload

This spring was one of the craziest springs we've had in awhile.  I started a "few" too many projects, in addition to a project Doug had going on and therefore our house was topsy turvy more than I prefer.   

I am not done . . . yet.  I'm getting close.  If Doug is reading this- he is most definitely thinking "What the what?!  What do you mean, "you're not done???"  You're done.  The bank account and my patience are done."  

Here's what we did: 

1. I moved Andrew upstairs to the bonus room and moved the bonus room down to his room.  Other than throwing Andrew's stuff up in his room- I've done nothing up there.  And to be honest, I'm not loving his room.  That is about to be my next area . . . but I think I'll wait until he's not home to paint it pink.  

The new "guest/craft" room is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GAH I love it soooo soooo sooooo much.  It's so much more user friendly, despite being in a smaller space.  I adore the closet.  I hung those shelves and planned out how the shelves would be- all by myself.  I waited until Doug wasn't home to do this (this is a theme of the spring . . . I wait until Doug is gone, and then I do things.  I've been watching TikToks and seeing all these women do projects on their own- and I'm like- HEY! I have been an apprentice for a long time- I know how to do things.  I will try!!!!  When Doug complains- I say "you only have yourself to blame.  You shouldn't have taught me."  He sees that logical rational argument, and agrees- or not.)

Anyway- I am super proud of this closet.  It's organized.  Alexa and I cleaned out a ton of stuff.  Which felt amazing and then putting it all away and having everything have a place feels so good.  Another thing I really like about it-  it cost almost no money.  I used the items we had.  I used the containers we had.  I used the shelving we had. That is a good feeling.  I did splurge and buy some battery operated puck lights to put on the walls- so that we could see what we had, and some items to help hang up all of the ribbon we have, and a way to deal with wrapping paper.  I think I spent $30 on it?  Not a bad price.  

Doug helped me hang these boards for a crafting area.  As Alexa declared . . . it's big enough for 2 people!!!!!  Yes.  That was on purpose.  I know she'll be all up in the business.  Ain't no doubt in my mind.  It is currently full of her yarn.  I have enough lighting- so I can see and there is plenty of space to spread out.  I even hung up pictures . . . which I hadn't done up in the bonus room.  We've lived in this house almost 6 years, and I finally got around to hanging up pictures- I had been waiting to hang them up because I didn't really like the way the room was laid out.  The bonus room was previously just a dumping ground.  Now- it's a useful room.  
Andrew loves being up away from us (I don't know why!) and I love having a room that we actually use.

2.  This next project is this garden spot.  
This was an aggravation of a project.  This is a very sloped area.  About 4 years ago, Doug used landscape timbers to tier off a garden area.  It was awesome. I loved that spot.  I still love that spot.  However- back in the fall, I got to thinking I wanted a bigger garden area.  I had big dreams of an amazing cut flower garden.  It was kind of a useless area because it was so sloped- so I came up with the idea of using railroad ties (those big dark brown boards) to put behind the rocks- for another tier on the slope.  When looking at it- you can't tell it was a total aggravation of a job.  Railroad ties are so aggravating.  First- they are so heavy. I literally couldn't help at all.  It required Andrew and Doug to move them.  Working with an item that heavy- it difficult.  The dirt had to be leveled and get things just right . . . all while maneuvering these hatefully heavy boards that could smash fingers.  Tools were broken from overuse, temper tantrums were had.  It was frustrating.  Andrew summed it up best- he said "if you ever mention using railroad ties in this yard again- I'm gonna tell you shove them you know where."  Was that respectful?  Nope.  Did it sum up how we all felt?  Yep.  
I currently have a bunch of zinnias and a few dahlias growing.  Not as well as I hoped.  I am about to throw a bunch of fertilizer on these buddies.  I also have Mexican Sunflowers growing- which I have not planted in 2 years.  Those dang things will not take a hint . . . I don't want you around!!!!!  They just keep coming back.

3. Dining Table from old floor boards in his grandparents house:
I unfortunately have no pictures- they're all on Doug's phone, but he made another table.  He started it . . . we'll just say a while ago.  But he finally finished it.  As with many of his projects, at the beginning of the project I have trouble envisioning the end product- so at the beginning of the table making process, I was like "eeeeeee . . . . this is going to be interesting."  But then the final product was so cool.  And, since I have no pictures- you'll just have to take my word for it.  

The last 2 weeks has been just all around tidying up and finishing up jobs.  The garage has gotten a good cleaning out.  Pictures have been hung.  Closets have gotten purged and some organization.  I have to say- I do love that time between projects when the house feels put together.  It'll last a few days- and then on to the next thing.



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