So Grown Up

 Y'all I am feeling so grown up today!!!

In fact, I feel so grown up- I keep bragging about it to Alexa, who is completely confused.  She literally said, "Mom.  I think you became a grown up when you had kids. Just saying."  Then she rolled her eyes- as she frequently does when I'm being "ridiculous" (according to her anyway).

So- Andrew has gone out of town.  He asked that I go pick up his paycheck and deposit it.  I said, "Sure- but I get a $20 retrieval fee."  He ignored me.  Then I said, "I need your account number."  He replied, "That's a dad question." 

Oh my gosh.  What have I done?!?!!  Andrew's complete lack of interest in his own bank account, and his inability to access it is kind of my fault.  Doug and I have joint bank accounts.  I have no idea how to access them.  I haven't for pretty much our entire marriage (21 years now). I have no desire to access them. Doug has tried to show me.  He has encouraged me to at least look.  I think sometimes my choice of ignorance is kind of annoying to him.  I like to live in oblivion . . . except lately I haven't.  Like many of you I am sure- I have been worrying about money a bit more with all the inflation and all.  Except . . . do I need to worry?  I don't know.  Doug hasn't told me to stop spending money.  Am I worrying about nothing?!  Am I wasting my time with worrying?  Jeez.  That's annoying to waste time worrying.  

Also- it turns out- my children see me choosing to be clueless and uninvolved in our financial life. Maybe I'm teaching them the wrong sort of life lesson.  Maybe they grow up and choose financial ignorance- and marry a crook.  Luckily Doug is honest and not a spendthrift.  I assume.  Although- I have no idea.  

I texted Andrew that we are going to learn how to access our bank accounts this summer!!!!!  It is important for him to know- and me to know.  He sent back a 👍.  Since I was at the bank depositing his check, I asked the teller how I could access our accounts online.  She gave me step by step instructions, and told me the "routing number" "my voice number" and even printed out my security questions (because apparently I have set up access before . . . I have NO recollection of that!).  Guess who came home and did it?!?! ME!!!!!!!!!  I am now feeling so grown up and responsible.  Also- I had vegetables with dinner, so now I feel grown up AND virtuous.  I mean- I've only been a parent for 17 years, a home owner for 21, and I am 46 years old.  It's probably about time I become a grown up.  Don't worry- I still laugh at inappropriate innuendos- I'm not that grown up. 


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