Ahhh, June. What a lovely month. The school year is over, and now I am catching up on house cleaning and finishing up some projects.
This is the first summer in 17 years that I have time. I have many hours where a kid isn't expecting me to be their "cruise ship director" and notify them of a craft on the east deck, or screen time on the main deck, or snacks on the Verandah Deck. We have been creeping to this phase in parenting for a couple of summers, and now that it's here, I have to say . . . I LOVE IT!!!!!
Since I can work on a task with somewhat undivided attention, I find myself thinking about my little blog again. I actually revisited it a few weeks ago and thought, "Dang. I'm funny!" or "Dang! I remember that!!" or "Dang- I'm glad I wrote about that- I totally forgot about it." The year 2021 was one of my lowest numbers of blog posts ever- with only 10 posts. Except for 2022 . . . where I have no posts. Zero. Nada. Zippo. Not a single one. I haven't posted a post in 11 months.
Last year, a reason for my lack of blogging was due to my struggle with maintaining my kids privacy. I don't really want to write about them too much. They're old enough to know- and they do not always appreciate my humor. This year I struggled with time and inspiration. I am on TikTok and Instagram- far more than I should and it seems like accounts tend to have a "theme" or niche. I just write about random crap that comes in my head. I don't have a niche of super cool things like "wholesome healthy foods" (unless eating 10 Girl Scout cookies in an afternoon is cool- then I could write about that.) I do DIY projects, but I literally never remember to even take a "before" picture.
However- the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling some inspiration. Plus- while I do not view blogging as writing in a diary . . . I do view it as a way to confess and I have some things I need to confess. I have been not being my best marital partner (ooooh- this sounds like I'm about to drop some juicy gossip doesn't it?!?! It's not that exciting. I lead a pretty boring life.)
All of this to say- I think I'll try to consistently post in the "confessional."
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