Get it Together Girl

My mother called yesterday, while I was outside watering and letting the puppy run about.  Alexa answered the phone and talked to her and SPILLED ALL OF OUR SECRETS!  I told her she'd be eating veggies all day today as a result.  
I was in a bit of a funk . . . all week.  I typically struggle in the summer with no routine.  I am not self disciplined enough to make a routine and stick to it.  Well- that's not entirely true.  I have a routine- it's even moderately healthy (much to my mother's surprise- as you'll see in a minute).  I eat healthy oatmeal for breakfast, drink plenty of water, exercise, take the puppy for walks, eat a healthy lunch that actually has veggies.  And that's it.  That's the only routine I have.  It's hard for me to get into a rhythm and I can't figure out any type of project I'm interested in attempting.  I am bored with reading (GASP!!!), and I don't generally have the attention span to watch tv. I sort of do whatever comes about- but . . . nothing is coming about. 
This summer is worse than usual.  It's one thing to struggle with my routine- but at least we usually get to go fun places.  We're not going fun places thanks to a pandemic.  And frankly, t's aggravating to go . . . anywhere, even Target.  
So- I've been in a pouty funk this week.  Yesterday was pretty much the height of that pouting.  (I hope anyway).  Doug and Andrew were at a baseball game.  Alexa and I had the house to ourselves for the day.  I had gone grocery shopping and bought 5 cartons of ice cream- because it was buy two, get 3 free!!!!  Alexa and I could think of nothing particularly amazing to do yesterday.  So- we laid around and watched movies and . . . ate ice cream for lunch and dinner.  And then she told my mother- who was utterly appalled at my horrific parenting.  I mean- on the surface it did look bad.  I agree.  But . . . deep down . . . isn't it kind of fun?!!!!!  We won't do it everyday.  We'll just do it one day.  One day of eating ice cream!!! 
Today Alexa and I have better plans.  Hopefully I'm going to find 100% cotton sheets so we can do some tie dying.  We tie dyed last week- but I used microfiber sheets and all the dye washed out!  (which was soul crushing  because that pattern was AMAZING).  And once I find those sheets- we're going to tie dye.  I hope.  Fingers crossed.  And I won't eat ice cream for 2 meals of the day.  That's a good start.  


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