
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE peaches.  Love.  . . . . Love.

If you have to buy those hard, little gross ones from a grocery store.  I am so sorry for you.  I live in North Carolina- and I am able to buy the most delicious peaches from South Carolina.  South Carolina grown peaches are a thing of beauty.  I'm about to say the most controversial thing I have ever said on this blog- so brace yourself- and don't be sending me hate mail.  Just keep your negative peach hatin' thoughts to yourself.  Here goes:
Georgia may be "The Peach State" but they do not grow the most peaches.  There.  I said it.  South Carolina and California produce more peaches that Georgia  Did you know New Jersey grows peaches?  Me either.  Thanks to this little article, I'm now more informed, and so are you, I hope. 

I live for June.  Peach season starts in June and it is a glorious time of year.  I spend anywhere between $9-$11 on peaches . . . a week.  For me.  Doug eats them occasionally- maybe once every two weeks.  My kids refuse (because they're wackadoos).  I eat at least 2 peaches a day.  This year the peach crop is amazing.  Because of all the rain, and the mild winter the peaches are abundant and JUICY.  The juice is running down your face when you eat one.  Now there is a trick to eating peaches: buy them when they're still hard, sit them in a bowl on your counter, and wait.  Give it 2 days, then start to test and see if they're ready.  By testing, you're going to gently squeeze them to see if they feel soft ripe.  Be careful.  Sometimes they'll trick ya, and the outsides are soft and the insides are hard.  That's a bummer, because it's a waste of some perfectly delicious peach. 

Clearly as a person who loves to eat peaches, I have some favorite ways to eat them, in addition to just eating them by themselves.  Please assume that everything I tell you includes fresh peaches only.  I would NEVER use canned for any of these.  Canned peaches are an affront to all of these delicious "recipes."  Surprisingly- I don't love peaches in baked goods- which is strange because I love a baked good. 

I discovered this delicious, tasty treat last year.  And let me tell you- it's a beaut.  It's nothing fancy, but it's simplicity is what makes it great.  It's a piece of a toast, with Nutella, and sliced peaches on top.  Now I like my toast with multigrain bread (because it's healthier) but also because you get the nutty slightly crunchy bread, with the creamy smooth Nutella, and the juicy peaches.  Dang.  That's good stuff. 
This is the only picture I have.

I love a smoothie.  In the summer time- they're frequently a meal for me because a heavy, big meal is gross.  This is a surprisingly good smoothie.  I use fresh peaches that I froze, to make this.  I just cut up a few peaches, put them on a cookie sheet and freeze them, then once they're frozen I store them in a ziplock bag.  

Peaches and Cottage Cheese (here's a wacky blog post I've written about this dish . . . sort of)
I love a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and a cut up peach.  

Peach Parfait (apparently I blogged about this 6 years ago.  Peaches are clearly a theme for me)
Now this dessert I only eat once- maybe in the summer.  It's complex and difficult to recreate- mostly because the taste is a memory connected to my grandmother.  And I can't ever do it the justice she did.  But basically you take vanilla ice cream (it absolutely must be Breyers Vanilla Bean), sliced peaches, and the most perfect amount of Hershey's Chocolate Sauce and layer it in a fancy glass.  That's it.  That's what you do.  

There's probably other ways that I enjoy a peach, but these are my favorite.  I hope you try one of these and as a result, have a magical day.  


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