Recap of the 2019 Holiday Season

Yikes.  I have been a terrible blogger.  The last time I posted was like 7 weeks ago. Good thing this is purely a hobby and mostly for my own entertainment- but if you're entertained that's a bonus!

Here's a little catch up.  It was the craziest Christmas season EVER.  I have no idea why.  The word I would use to associate with the period of time from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day was frantic.  I think the fact that there was a short time period between the two holidays made it that way.  Additionally, while I do not do a lot of pre- Christmas shopping, I usually at least have ideas.  I had nothing.  No ideas.  Not a one.  The stress of not having even ideas of what to order from Amazon weighed on me a lot.  Around December 15, I began to live for 3pm of Christmas Day.  Because then it would be all over.  The presents were done.  The cooking done.  The eating . . . done.  I was done preparing for a holiday I wasn't really feeling. 

I have had one of my most productive Christmas Breaks ever.  Doug had been really wanting to put a patio in, near the steps to our screened in back porch, so we decided to give ourselves that as a Christmas gift.  We worked on that a lot (no fear, when that gets finished, I'll blog about it.  It's turning out pretty dang awesome, if I do say so myself).  But I also finally got pictures hung on the stairs to the bonus room.  I got a TON of stuff cleaned out.  There are literally no piles on the kitchen counter, on the dryer, or on the steps.  It's bizarre.  I got my craft closet cleaned out. I cleaned up my attic. (imagine one of those meme's right here with someone going "boo-ya! In yo face!"  I mean- I got rid of things, swept it, got all of the bins back where they belong (as I normally just shove them up there).  It was amazing and thrilling and one of my highlights of 2019.  Well, that might be dramatic, highlight of December.  I'm a nerd, what can I say?!). I watched a couple of movies I've been wanting to watch for awhile (Brittany Runs a Marathon, and Peanut Butter Falcon both totally AWESOME.  I LOVED them both.  Oh- and of course, The Rise of Skywalker- which we also loved.) I read actual books that I went to the library and checked out.  I am about to start The Handmaid's Tale.  I did crafts with Alexa.  I slept in and stayed up late.I played a lot of word games on my phone.  It was glorious. 

So- in summary, we had a frantic lead in to Christmas, and I followed the holiday with getting organized and relaxing.  It was glorious and so needed because this spring is gonna be wild, but I'm going in ready. 


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