New Year's Goals Updates

So- the toe is completely cured.  I should have been exercising by now.  It's just . . . . so much easier to make excuses to myself about why I am not doing some type of "get stronger" exercise. 

In that aspect I'm stinking up my New Years Goal; however, all is not lost!  I have started walking laps around school before the day starts.  Think of me like a mall walker- but around my school.  That is brilliant!  I saw some other teachers doing it, and was like, "huh.  That's pretty smart."  I mean- I get to school around 7:10 every day.  If I walk laps for 15 minutes every morning . . . that's a great, efficient, easy way to get some steps in. And I still have time to mentally organize for the day before the first class starts.   It's quite lovely to know I've walked 15 minutes, I feel quite smug in my productiveness. 

I have read my first real- quality- book of the year: The Handmaid's Tale.  It took me awhile to get into it.  I felt frustrated with the narrator's constant hinting at events from before the story began, but never giving the full story.  I found the story to be, like a typical dystopian story: depressing, somewhat hopeless. One weird (and I hope not a sign I'm a sociopath or oppressive dictator) I liked how orderly the main character's life was: wake up, eat, rest, shop, eat, pray/rest, eat, go to bed.  I did not like that her activities were kind of boring (all that resting!) or how controlled she was (someone was ALWAYS watching).  But I liked the notion of such a strict schedule (clearly I am feeling the need for some routine in my life!). I liked the story and read it completely (I typically skim when I read).  I doubt I watch the series.  #1 I don't have a Hulu subscription.  #2 I liked the story, but not enough to watch a tv show.

I started a new goal.  I put a screen time limit on my phone (after 2 hours I can't use any of the apps, except the phone, FaceTime, and text messaging).  I have been feeling scattered and flakey ever since Winter Break ended and school started back- which was a super big bummer, because that's how I felt BEFORE break, and I was just certain I wouldn't feel that way afterwards. I'm tired of making excuses for forgetting- everything. I'm tired of feeling so . . . scattered.  I feel like part of my problem is my phone.  It's in my face a lot.  Seriously- I was averaging over 5 hours a day.  (thank you iPhone and your awesome screen time calculations) My goal is to stick to my time limit (2 hours a day).  I've got a couple of other ideas I'm going to try in the next couple of weeks.  Hopefully I'll find my zen anyday now.  HAHA!!!


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