Karma Gets Me Again

Last night before I went to sleep, I did one last Facebook check, just in case anything really exciting had been posted.  Someone had posted a video montage of kids getting scared of animals.  I watched it and laughed like crazy.  I was crying, I was laughing so hard.  Oh my gosh!!! Kids running away from baby ducks is hilarious!!!  I laughed so hard- Doug told me to simmer down. 

So . . . around 3 am I had this really bizarre dream.  I was giving a friend a ride home.  Right before she gets out of the car, she says, "Oh yeah- I'm going to return this little friend I somehow picked up from the last time I was in your car."  When she said, "little friend" I started to panic a little.  Just something about that word told me I wasn't going to like what she got out of her purse.  She turns her purse over, and dumps out this teeny tiny mouse.  I hate mice, so I'm trying to get out of the car as fast as I can, but not fast enough.  That stupid mouse is running all over the car (actually- flying- would be more like it) and suddenly he flies right into my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I jolted awake.  I laid there trying to collect myself.  My heart was racing.  I kept trying to tell myself it was a dream.  It wasn't real.  A mouse did not really fly into my mouth.  I was okay.  Ultimately I couldn't calm myself enough to go back to sleep, so I ended up getting up and going out to the living room and solving a cross word puzzle. 

But I definitely learned a lesson- don't enjoy watching little kids run away, screaming from animals- and like it!!!

(Just in case you want to have a good laugh- search in Facebook: NTD Funniest Kids vs. Animals)


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