He Has It So Good

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew.  He has it so good, and he doesn't even know.  He can't appreciate just how good he has it. 

We went to the grocery store today.  Andrew was pumped.  It's new, and we were there to get subs.  His experience was ruined.  RUINED.  He saw one of his teachers.  One of his teachers, he really doesn't want his mom to see.  One of his teachers, that doesn't think he's quite as cute, as she should.  He spent the entire trip dodging and ducking her.  It was HILARIOUS.  (In all serious, my favorite part was when he saw her initially, and said, "Oh no!  Mrs. ___ is here!  I'll avoid her.  It shouldn't be too hard, she'll probably go to the wine section.  I bet all of my teachers drink a lot of wine."  (Amen to that!)

Thankfully, Andrew was with me.  If he had been with my dad . . .  well- it would have been worse.  My dad used to LOVE to embarrass me.  Like- EMBARRASS.  A good friend of mine lived next door to the cutest boy in the entire world.  Brian.  Brian, who played football with his brothers in his front yard.  Brian, who would ride his bike- in front of his house.  Brian- who my dad would call out to.  Wave frantically, and would point to me (cowering on the floor in the backseat) and say, "Kate says, "HIII!!!!"  And then giggle all the way back home. 

I didn't do anything remotely embarrassing. All I did was relish in his discomfort.  And, boy, did I relish in it!


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