
Back at the end of May a friend posted on Facebook that she needed someone to come swim with her, so doing laps wouldn't be so lonely.  I said, "OOOH! Me, me!!!  I love to swim.  As soon as the school year is over, I'll be there!"

Yesterday I went and even though I was determined to get a mile in and I was tired, I enjoyed it.  I was thinking (cause what else do you do?) how I don't actually hate exercising.  I really enjoy swimming, I really enjoy walking, and I really enjoy hiking.  So if that's all true . . . why don't I?  

My friend was saying that we have to figure out a way to make this happen during the school year. Waking up at 4:45am to be at the facility and swim and be done with enough time to shower and get home to get my kids ready for school really doesn't sound appealing.  After school can get tricky because my kids have extra curricular stuff, but I have got to figure it out.

The first 20 laps yesterday were exactly what I love.  It was quiet, just the slosh of the water and my bubbles. The sounds from some ladies nearby chatting were muted. The water was warm enough I wasn't cold, but cool enough I wasn't hot as I got into the bulk of the laps. It wasn't jam packed, so I didn't have to share a lane. There wasn't anything to look at, except the lane lines underneath me and mottled designs the water and lights make on the floor.   It's relaxing to suddenly blot out all of the distractions.  You would think without distractions your mind would go into overdrive.  Mine rarely does.  I think, but I have to keep up with what number lap I'm on, and concentrate a bit on my form, which prevents me from going down a rabbit hole of worries and problem solving.

I have to figure out how to get regular exercise in.  Not because "I'll lose weight."  I cannot connect exercise to weight loss.  Sure I'd like to lose weight.  However, my ornery mind is . . . ornery.  As soon as I say "I'll begin doing this exercise to lose weight . . . " I hate it.  I quit before I start.  I can't seem to make time for it.  If I connect exercise to stress relief and a general attitude improvement- I will move mountains to make it happen.  I have done good making this swimming happen this summer and not really worrying about "Ooh, I don't want to make my kids do something they don't like."  (I used to HATE the thought of taking Alexa to childcare.  I assumed she wouldn't like it, so I didn't.  I recently discovered that she actually doesn't hate it, and if I take her to the fun outdoor pool afterwards- she's fine with it.)  Just thinking about the soothing cool water, has me thinking maybe I should head over this morning . . .  Well, I did swim a mile yesterday and my arms are still feeling a bit like jell-o . . . . maybe I'll just enjoy this cup of coffee a bit longer.  


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