It Had to be Wright

So a few months ago I gave up Diet Coke.  I did go without it for 30 days.  I realized while I was going without, what Diet Coke was for me.  It was a treat.  The times I craved it and needed it the most were days that were stressful.  A Diet Coke for me, is what a beer is for others . . . I guess. I don't really drink beer.  It's not something I usually want.  Unless I'm at a professional baseball game.  Then I do.  It's just the right place for one.

I haven't completely given it up.  I drink it every now and then.  I might have one once a week?  I'm struggling to find a replacement favorite drink.  I do love a Starbucks Green Tea lemonade.  The trouble with that is, I can't go to Starbucks with my kids . . . and not get them anything!  But I don't want to start a habit of getting them anything.

Anyway, today is Wednesday.  I have wanted a Diet Coke since Sunday.  I haven't been to a store since, in order to get one.  I thought about it yesterday when we went to the movies, but Alexa and I were going to share a drink and popcorn. I don't like her drinking Diet Coke, so I took a few sips of the Sprite I got.  (ewwwww!!!!!)  Today we went to Carowinds.  I WAS going to get a Diet Coke as we walked out the gate to go home.  I had looked forward to it all day.  Except . . . the line was forever long!  I wasn't going to stand in that line!  I figured I would stop and get gas, as I needed it, and I was in South Carolina.  Except . . . their gas was the same price as the gas near my house. I was too hot and the traffic was bad and it just wasn't the right moment.  I thought I would maybe stop closer to home and get gas and a Diet Coke.  Except, I was still in my wet suit and my cover up.  I didn't really want to go into the gas station looking like that.  (you never know when you're going to run into a student or parent!)  Then I figured, I would just go home, take a shower, and then go back out because I needed to go to the grocery store.  We needed bread, milk, and eggs. Except when I got home I walked the dog, changed out of my suit, sat on the couch, and fell asleep. Well, fine I would go to the grocery store after I dropped Andrew off at cross country practice and THEN I would get that Diet Coke.  It was going to be glorious. It was going to be ice cold and super carbonated.  It was going to burn as it went down my throat.

I got my groceries, checked out, started to walk out of the store, and . . . doh! I forgot my Diet Coke! I turned around, realized all the lines had several people in them and had a total dilemma.  What to do?!!!! I had been wanting this for 3 days.  I had forgone all my opportunities so far, because they just weren't quite the right opportunities.  I was so close!!! But there was a line.  I had bags (I bought a few more things than bread, milk, and eggs- of course.)  The cashier at the self-checkout turned to me and said, "Can I help you? Is something wrong?" I told her I forgot my Diet Coke.  She went to the cooler, got me one, and checked me out at her podium.  Funny enough, the Diet Coke she handed me was personalized with this:

Finally, this was the "wright" time.  


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