
Andrew's travel baseball coaches are college kids.  Wait.  That's a lie.  One is a college kid.  The other one just graduated.  So same difference.  But Andrew corrects me all of the time about it.

Up until this season, Andrew has always had a dad coaching.  However, now that we've had young men, I hope Andrew gets a few more seasons with college kids coaching him.  Dad's relate to the players in a completely different way.  They relate like . . . well, like dads. They think the boys do silly, weird things.  Dad's tend to correct behavior. The kids act like kids.  College coaches hang out with team in between games, or during weather delays.   They bond, and talk trash, talk about favorite professional teams. They don't have to correct behavior because the players want to be cool. The players act cooler, tougher, and are less whiny when they have college kids coaching them.

Andrew's coaches are so stinking cute to me.  Not in a "hunka- hunka" kind of way.  More in a "Ahhh, look at those cute babies.  I just wanna pinch their cheeks!"  Andrew loves them.  Everything they say is cool, awesome, and funny.    Their names come up in our conversations constantly.  "K says . . . " "The other day F said . . ."   One Saturday, one of their mom's came.  She was taking pictures of him- because she knew it aggravated him.  He's like, "MOM!  Stop!  I'm working!" hahaha!!!! See?!  They're babies.

Not only have these coaches improved Andrew as a player, they have improved his slang.  The other day he was talking to someone, and I hardly understood what he was talking about.  Which is strange, because I understand the game of baseball.  He says things like, "The other night at bp . . . "  (bp is batting practice).  Or he'll say, "When coach was in the pen . . . " (That's bull pen.  Which is where the pitchers practice.) He said something about someone catching a sack.  Turns out he meant someone caught a sacrifice fly ball.  Our current favorite term is "Can o' corn."  That means  a play was an easy play.  We say it for everything . . .  if I had an easy time making a left hand turn, "That was a can o' corn."  

While I just made them sound like the funnest dudes ever- and apparently they are, Andrew has developed so much this season.  He gets in the car after practice a sweaty mess, all out of water because they worked so hard and LOVES it.  Last week when it was so stinking hot, he didn't gripe once about practice.  Thank goodness for young coaches.  :-)


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