22 Get Ups, Positives #12

Sorry I took a couple of days off.  I can tell.
I'm struggling. My sciatica is horrific.  My attitude is horrific and I'm just completely out of sorts. I've tried stretches, regular doses of ibuprofen, and a chiropractor.  The chiropractor made it SIGNIFICANTLY worse.  The ibuprofen does nothing.  So . . . time and stretching is where I'm at.  It's hard to be patient when I'm so uncomfortable.  But enough of that cry baby crap.  I won't talk about it anymore.
Even though I'm struggling, positive things are happening. So tonight's list is sort of a positive/blessings list.  After school, I felt myself falling down the dark hole of negativity.  I won't do it.  I have to get back to the list- because it is making a HUMONGOUS difference!
1. Yesterday- I got everything, plus extra stuff done, off of my "To Do" List.
2. My first period was working on a project, so I played music for them.  I went to "YouTube" and found a "60's Summer Music" playlist.  They loved it.  
3. My health.  I know I just opened this up with a gripe about my physical health and while it's uncomfortable- I'm not having surgery on Monday, with a 6-8 week recover, or undergoing chemo, or struggling with mental health issues, or high blood pressure- or other stress related issues, that so many other co-workers are struggling with.  I'll take this aggravation- compared to what it could be.
4. I work at the high school where my kids will come through.  Today I spoke with a parent of a rising 9th grader.  I can't imagine what she felt as she walked through our crazy halls and saw . . . . all the crazy high school stuff in our overcrowded halls, and knows she's sending her young 14 year old girl to navigate all that next year. I mean- at least when my kids come through those front doors- I'll be there. This lady is having to put her trust in a faculty she doesn't know to keep her baby safe. Yeah- she's 14, but she's someone's baby.
5. I have a stash of chocolate in my desk drawer at school.  The past few days I have been hitting it pretty hard and it's dwindling faster than it probably should.
6. I haven't had a Diet Coke in . . . awhile.  I can't even remember.  I have had 2 moments where I really wanted one.  I didn't succumb.
7. I got a couple of opportunities to be outside today.  It's so lovely.  Even if it was warm, there was a breeze, and I won't lie- while Alexa was doing her riding lessons, I laid the seat back in my car and fell sound asleep.  The horses whinnying, the breeze, the warmth . . . it was Heaven.  Horse back riding lessons might be my favorite place to take a nap.
8. There are less than 20 school days until the first exam.  It's getting close.  We can make it.  Even if the kids are shutting down.  It's all good- because I am an excellent nagger.  Just ask the students I worked with during 2nd period.  :-)  


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