21 Get Ups, Positive #13

Well . . . there was a definite difference in my attitude today, from yesterday.  I think it's because I look at the day completely differently.  I look for things to include in my list of positives.  Since I'm looking for positives, I tend to see the good things instead of the things that would possibly wear on my nerves.

#1- My first group . . .  We discussed He-Man today.  Remember He-Man?
Image result for he-man
I have no idea what brought it on, but . . . it cracks me up.  Another positive for them- they continued to work on their projects, and no one complained about the 60's music I played for them.  In fact, some of them were singing along.  I hate when they complain about my music selection.  I'm the teacher- therefore I am the dj.

#2- My 2nd period took their benchmark (not the positive . . . well it sort of is) and instead of using my time wisely and productively . . . I read my book.  Yep that's right.  I was NOT a good worker. I didn't use my time wisely.

#3- My 4th class was HILARIOUS today.  We began Romeo and Juliet.  You know that old Shakespeare was pretty spicy, and we totally pointed out the spicy parts.  They were totally laughing.  I even saw one of the girls, look at another girl- and say, "This was written like forever ago- and they were this perverted?!"  Yeah girl- that Shakespeare . . . he was a naughty one.

Some positives from outside of school:
1. I made a delicious homemade bbq chicken pizza tonight, using my Pampered Chef baking stone. Someone tell me why I have had that thing for like 5 years and I am only just now using it?!!!!!  Plus the pizza used up some leftover shredded chicken. We have done a good job on leftovers this week.

2. I washed my bed sheets tonight- so my bed will smell of fresh sheets.

3. My dog is laying under the desk.  I like having a dog lying near my feet.  It's so cozy.

4. Oh- I was productive! I finally got our Carowinds Season Passes, and registered Alexa for Girl Scout Camp.  Look at me being all on top of my game!!!  (Don't worry- I've been laying on the couch with an ice pack under my rear end for a SUPER long time.  Don't let the clean sheets and summer preparations fool you.)


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