35 Get Ups, Positive #2

1. I had a parent bring me Double Stuffed Oreos.  That really touched me.  I mean- she took the time to think of it, and went to the effort of getting them, but she also brought me my absolute favorite treat, simply because she remembered something I said.  Today was a good day- but that made it a great day.

2. My administration doesn't have a particularly strict dress code.  Today I wore trouser jeans, a grey t-shirt, and my Birkenstocks.  That hardly qualifies as professional attire, but I wore it, and no one yelled at me.

3. I have a student that is technically not supposed to be with me, but he needed to be separated from his usual class.  The thought, when the change was made, if he was with different students, his behavior may improve.  It was a rough few months, to begin with.  There were a few days that I sent him to the ISS teacher (who after a few days- I sent Bojangles for breakfast because . . . he really does have a sucky job), a few other days I flipped my lid, and a few other days I dismissed him a few minutes early- to give him a head start on the rest of the class, who were getting sick and tired of him. However, the last month this student has been an absolute joy.  He's been focused.  He's been helpful. He's been so enjoyable.  It's not anything I did.  I don't take credit for it.  I'm not telling you his change is from anything I did.  I am simply telling you- I am so thankful for his change, and how much I enjoy him.

And, I'll share a "favorite teaching moment."  Overall, it was probably the years I taught in a self contained- high school classroom.  We laughed all the time.  They laughed with me, and I laughed with them.  They were the sweetest, most loving, fun kids ever.  I still miss the heck out of them. One day, one of my girl's was being unkind to one of her classmates.  I called her over, and I told her "she needed to stop being ugly.  That was her friend, and it was not okay to be ugly and I was disappointed."  She looked at me and said, "But Mrs. Latta, my mom says I'm pretty!"  That drew me up short.  I was slightly confused, and then I realized . . .  "You're right.  You are pretty, but right now you're not acting pretty."  I called her mom to clarify and explained, "being ugly" was a southern phrase that meant, "not acting right" and that I would try to be more clear from this point forward. Luckily her mom was wonderful and she understood. I always chuckle at that story.


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