33 Get Ups, Positive #4

Gah- what a yucky, rainy day!  Well . . . I mean yes.  It was rainy and cool, and even though I have 2 classes outside in trailers- which meant I walked through the rain, I still liked the rain.  In a way- I'm glad I wasn't at home, because I would have been totally unproductive!

Anyway- today's positives:
1. My first group was super chatty today.  Normally people would not be glad for that, but I'll take what I can get- even if it's more chatty than I want.
2. My department.  Oddly- my entire department is female and yet . . . we don't have nit picky drama with each other.  We get along and are supportive of each other, without being judgmental and overbearing.
3. My assistant principals.  I like all of the administrative staff, but there is one assistant principal in particular.  I got to know her better this past January, when we were both dealing with a stressful situation.  I really admired how she handled the stress.  We shared a moment, when we confessed that we would love for someone to drop a baby on our doorstep. Perhaps that is a strange thing to say- but when she and I discussed it- she truly understood what I meant.  Most people roll their eyes or just ask why I don't just have another baby.  She got me.  Then as we talked about children, I realized, she is a very wise woman that is a good role model: as a mother, a woman, a caregiver, and as an educator.  Yeah- I still look for positive role models.

That last positive reminds me that I've been lucky to work for some pretty amazing female principals. I remember when I tried out middle school for a couple of years.  My principal was the first principal that my relationship was less formal than with my previous principals.  She wasn't necessarily, my friend, but she wasn't an authoritative boss either.  She was the first principal I talked about personal stuff with.  I admired her a lot.  I liked her leadership style.  She encouraged me to try different books, and tv shows.  Another female principal I had, I loved.  My observation was: you either loved her or you hated her.  There wasn't a lot of in the middle on her.  I loved her- but I saw why people didn't care for her.  One Saturday, she and I drove to the State Championship Basketball Game about 2.5 hours away.  I sensed she was a foodie, and I introduced her to one of my favorite restaurants in Chapel Hill.  She and I talked for HOURS.  It was fascinating learning so much about her.  She was a pretty interesting person.

I have to say- I think this plan of documenting positive things is working.  I feel much more positive about school.  I hope this attitude stays for the rest of the school year!!!!


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