31 Get Ups, Positive #6

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPni755-Krg 
This is a link to study music.  EVERY time I turn this music on for my second class . . . they become totally and completely silent.  It's crazy!  I've tried it with other groups, but it's not the same.  They were sooooo totally talkative, and to get them to settle down, and focus, I played this music.  They instantly calmed down,  Became silent.  And focused.  (sometimes I play this for my kids, when they need to work on homework, so it won't take forever.)

2. One of my most talkative students, seemed to feel that she had laryngitis.  I don't know . . . as she was using a small white board to communicate.

3. I sent an email in response to a question my principal asked me and another teacher.  I emailed back quickly.  Later, I asked the other teacher about my response and she was impressed that I was so demanding of MY BOSS.  I was like, "What?"  I went back and re-read the email, and sure enough.  I was pretty bossy.  I apologized, and thankfully he wasn't offended by it.  So- yeah.  My principal isn't offended by my bossiness.  ;-)

Totally unrelated to school positives:  I was driving home with Alexa today, and we got behind a car that had one of those fleur de lis's on the back window.  Alexa has recently discovered this symbol. She asked about it.  Then my brain went into overdrive and I started getting SUPER worried that one day my girl is going to leave me and go across the Big Pond and live in France and marry some French Dude and NEVER come home again.  WAHHHHHH  This is the saddest story ever in my life.  For the record, this isn't like a totally unfounded worry.  My other proof is this: her most favorite shirts have always been shirts that have the Eiffel Tower on them.  See????  She's gonna grow up and move to France and I'll have to go out of my comfort zone and eat snails.


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