It Ain't His Friends I Have to Watch Out For

I think this story of my son and Dad perfectly captures their relationship and their personalities.

Andrew, Alexa, and I went down to my parents while Doug went to the Eastern part of the state to help with the Hurricane Matthew rebuilding efforts.  On Saturday evening, we decided to eat some pizza for dinner.  

At 6:00, Dad, Andrew, and I set out to go pick up the pizza, so that Alexa could have her dance party without Andrew yelling at her to stop, and her yelling back, and blah blah blah.  Keep in mind the following things: 1. we're on our way to pick up pizza.  2. we had been snacking a good portion of the afternoon.  3. the pizza place is perhaps 8 minutes from my parents house.

As we're driving down the road, Andrew turns to my dad and says, "Hey!  We should get an ice cream cone before we pick up the pizza!"  My dad responds, "YEAH!  Let's do it."  The thing is- my dad: an adult, a gainfully employed grown up, the receiver of senior citizen discounts, the father of 3 adult children- is sincere in his response that getting an ice cream cone at 5:30pm, on the way to pick up a pizza is in fact, a good idea.

Thankfully, I was there to squash that idea and represent the voice of practicality - or be a total buzzkill.  And here I thought I would have to worry about the friends Andrew went off with.  It turns out- I have to worry about his grandfather!


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