He's Like An Onion

I've been with Doug for 19+ years.  You would think at this point he wouldn't catch my by surprise, but every now and then . . .

Way back when Andrew was in kindergarten, he told his teacher "my dad's just an agriculture teacher. He doesn't know how to read."  I still laugh about that.  It's just so funny, because honestly, Doug is one of the smartest people I know (obviously- he knew to marry me.  :-)  But Andrew's perception of his dad, and how he told his teacher.  Hahahaha

Alexa is watching something on Netflix this afternoon, and one of the characters yells out, "BELLA!!!!!"  Doug overhears it, and yells out, "STELLLAA!!!!"  If you don't know- (which I only know because I teach in junior English classrooms and we read this play) he just quoted "Streetcar Named Desire."  What the what?!  Can you believe that?  Just goes to show . . . Ag Teachers are like onions.  They have layers.


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