Too Cold For Excess Energy

I have a friend that lives in North Dakota.  She has been posting updates on the weather situation up there. There were low temperatures of -30, and like 53 inches of snow so far this year (I won't lie- I can't keep up.  Anything more than 6 inches is too much.).

I think of her everyday.  I have Bismark saved on my WeatherBug- just to shock myself.

We just had like 1/2 an inch of snow and some other precipitation. . . Rain? Snow? Sleet?  Ice?  All of the above? Yes.  A bit of all that.  The temperature has been hanging out under 30 degrees for the last few days. I have been MISERABLE.  I HATE being cold.  Abhor it.  My body just aches.  My muscles are sore.  I'm super whiny.  On Saturday at 7:55am, Alexa said, "I'm bored.  What are we going to do today?"  O. M. G... The day hasn't even started.  I haven't even had coffee yet.  It was the worst day.  There was enough "snow" on the ground to tempt the kids outside, but not enough to actually play for any significant amount of time.  Then we came inside.  We couldn't really go anywhere because . . . everything was closed due to the expectation of snow.

Andrew is the WORST to be trapped in the house with.  He has energy to burn.  Alexa was fine with games.  Hot Chocolate.  Netflix.  Andrew . . . wanted to play.  He wanted Nerf Wars.  He wanted Hide and Seek.  He wanted wrestling.  He wanted to go outside.  He wanted to throw a football. Alexa didn't want to play with him.  He plays like an 11 year old boy with her.  She's a 6 year old girl. She can't beat him.  She knows this.  He absolutely MUST win.  He MUST DESTROY HER!!!!!! He manipulates, makes rules in favor of him, uses his strength, and maturity in his favor.  If they play- Alexa stomps off.  Andrew comes back to her 15 minutes later . . . "this time I'll let you win."  (When pigs fly.)

Around 2pm, I wondered how people who live in actual cold climates live?!!!  How do they entertain their children? How do they get their children to get rid of all that excess energy?!  Amazon showed me a product I might be interested in: it's this indoor climbing gym for $140.  Can handle up to 150lbs.  If it wasn't right after Christmas . . . that might be in my bonus room right now.  One click shopping and Prime membership . . . . sign me up.   

Sunday was a repeat of Saturday.  My natural instinct on these days is to hibernate inside.  Andrew wants to be outside- wearing shorts.  I am wearing leggings and sweatpants.  I have a short sleeve shirt, a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie, and my jacket . . . I'm freezing.  He's wearing nylon shorts, a couple of shirts, and a hoodie.  Not bothered.  He aggravates us until someone relents and goes outside with him.  Not because we actually want to.  But because for the love of all that is holy in this world . . . if we go outside with you for 15 minutes (unhappily and sullenly) will you leave us alone for 45 minutes?!!!!  Nope.  I made him go run up and down the street a few times  Then we went for a long walk- where I made him run there too.  That finally did the trick.  Finally he could just chill. The edge of all that energy was gone.  He was tolerable again.. . . I wonder if he has started to notice that every time he gets overly emotional or aggravating I say, "Oh- you need a run!  Go."  Apparently not- because he hears it . . . a lot.


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