What Do I Do With Myself?!

I'm telling you what . . . I've got a weird situation happening.
My kids are growing up.
They play for extended periods of time without needing me.  I have been been dreaming of this happening for years.  In my dreams I would do "stuff."  I would do it all by myself.  I would go to the bathroom by myself.  I would . . . I don't know.  The dream was so far away, it was hard to truly imagine.  Now it's here.
On Saturday, Alexa had a friend over.  Andrew was at a friend's house.  Doug was doing Doug things and I was at a total loss of what to do with myself!
I sat on the couch.
I fidgeted.
I walked around the house aimlessly.
I hit the goody containers- a lot.
I Pinterested.
I Facebooked.
I instagrammed.
I did that all again.
I was bored and I had no idea what to do with myself.
Finally I remembered I was behind on "Big Bang Theory" episodes.
I got caught up.
I hit the goody container again.

It was the most bizarre feeling.  I haven't been bored in forever.
Sometimes I get bored with our routine.  Sometimes I get bored with the same household chores every.single.week.
But I haven't been bored in years.

I find myself in the same boat today.  I am making Cinnamon Rolls, Alexa is playing, and Andrew is at a friend's.  I was stuck trying to figure out what to do with myself while the rolls did their rising thing.  I should make a list of options: A Bored List of Options.

Who would have thought I'd ever be in this position.  I sure never did.  I won't turn it down, that's for sure!


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