Right In the Kisser

Alexa got some "Ivy and Bean" books for Christmas.  If you haven't read them, and you have an early elementary aged girl . . . you should!  I was rolling.

We finished the first book tonight.  In the story, Bean- a little sister that is a bit of a pest- decides to get revenge on her older sister Nancy (who, at the ripe old age of 11 years old, is a bit condescending and bossy).  So Bean, and her new friend across the street, decide they're going to cast a spell on Nancy and make it so she won't be able to stop dancing . . . EVER!  In order to do so, they need worms.  Obviously, things didn't go as planned.  However there was a scene that reminded me of something I may have done to my own sister at one time.  

I am thinking I was around the age of 10 or 11, which meant my sister was around the age of 5 or 6.  I had been being a bit of a brat. I don't remember what I was doing.  Probably nothing. I was probably being angelic and my mother was just being mean.  But anyway.  I had been sent outside to weed, as a result of something I had done (I honestly don't remember what I had done, but if I had to guess, it was that I was instigating my sister- possibly.  The more likely cause is that my mother was mean, but the possible cause of my banishment was that I was intentionally aggravating my sister.)  I toiled away in the dirt for ten long minutes or so.  In those unending minutes that I was out there, I endured hardships, people, for real.  It was hard times.  Ten minutes of bright sunshine and fresh air, working in the dirt?!!!  (For the record, I was in New Jersey, the air probably wasn't actually all that fresh).  

My sister came out to rub it in that I was the one that had received a consequence, and she got off scot free.  (See?! My mother was mean.  I'm glad I never issue unfair consequences to my darling children.)  My sister stood a few feet away from me, taunted me with her hands on her hips, and her joyful, "hah, ha ha, ha, haaah ha!  You got in trouble.  Neiner, neiner, neiner!!!"  There I am, pouring my blood, sweat, and tears into that dirt; accepting my unfair plight as magnanimously as possible, and my sister rubs salt in the wound.  So, I did what anyone would do in the circumstance, and I threw a worm at her.  It landed on her lips.  She screamed.  She of course tattled on me, because she was a little sister, and she just had a worm thrown at her.  I don't remember if anything else happened. I don't know if I received any other consequences.  Whatever else happened, had no impact whatsoever on me.  All I remember is that I had fantastic aim, and I got her!  Who's taunting who now?!  

You know, upon reflection, I should not share this story.  I feel pretty sure my sister has no memory of this at all.  I should probably not enlighten her, since I am hoping she'll help me come up with the coolest paint scheme in the world for Alexa's new room.  Well, hopefully her love for her niece will outweigh her bad feelings towards me for throwing worms at her.  


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