Was It Christmas?

We have just returned from our final Christmas celebration.  I won't lie, this has been the weirdest Christmas.

I thought it was just me, but my mother and mother in law, both said the same thing.  Since three of us agree, it must be true for all of you.

Was it the weather?  I mean, doggone the weather is WEIRD.  Tonight, in Arkansas there are tornados.  Here in North Carolina, I haven't worn a jacket, other than my rain jacket, in weeks.  I've spent the last 2 days in flip flops- comfortably.  We've had spring-like rain storms.  I have daffodils starting to bloom!  The weather is definitely NOT Christmassy.  (We've been told that it was supposed to be a cold, snowy winter. LIES!  Although, The Weather Channel is saying that January will be colder than average and . . . is uttering the "S" word.)

Was it that I have been distracted by big changes happening for our family?  Possibly.  Doug and I suddenly decided to put our house on the market.  So we've been busy with prepping the house, the elation of going under contract,  the panic of finding a new house, and the stress of preparing to move (4 miles from our current house).  Somehow in the midst of all those thoughts- I was supposed to teach, be a parent, and shop for Christmas!?  Hah!  In the best of years I hate shopping for Christmas. This year was my worst.

I just couldn't ever seem to get into the spirit.  When I should have been watching Christmas movies, I watched "Star Wars" and "Lord of the Rings."  When I should have been cooking up special treats and meals, I opted to daydream about how to fill a POD with all of our possessions, or where I am going to put stuff in the new house (a way more fun way to spend my time, than how to fill a POD).

Oh, my house had a tree and lights.  We listened to Christmas music.  I made cinnamon rolls. We did watch at least 2 movies: A Charlie Brown Christmas, and A Christmas Story.  But that was it.  I didn't make Christmas cookies, I made a chocolate cake.  I didn't make a turkey dinner with all the fixin's, I made a pork tenderloin with baked potatoes, and green beans.  We did all the usual things: eat, spent time with family, eat some more, open gifts, and ate again.

It felt like I was going through the motions though.  It never felt like the spirit of the season was actually upon me.  It's a bit of a let down.  It's the spirit that I love the most about the holiday- not the presents or traditions.  So . . . farewell un-Christmas 2015.  Let's hope Christmas 2016 has more spirit.


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