An Embarrassing Memory

For reasons I cannot remember, we were discussing that it was a parents' duty to do embarrassing things to their children, in my classroom today.  I shared this story with my class: 

When I was in elementary school, my best friend lived next door to a boy I had a major crush on.  He was so cute . . . in a 4th grade boy kind of way.  I admired him from afar, in what I am sure was a total awkward, dorky way.  He probably had no idea I obsessed over him- NOT!  

So anyway, anytime my dad would pick me up from my friend's house, as he would drive by my dad would honk, wave, and yell, "HEY!!!!  Kate's hiding on the floor in the back seat!!!!"   

Oh the horrors.  While that was embarrassing, I am pretty sure I have not suffered any post traumatic results. It probably built my character- or something like that.  (although, after remembering this story tonight, I got to wondering about him, so I Face Stalked him- he has his page locked up tight. Bummer)

Funny enough, when I picked Andrew up from after school tonight, there was a "cool" older kid near us in the hall.  When I greeted Andrew in the hall, the kid was walking with him, so I tried to play it cool.  I didn't want to be embarrassing.  I just said, a simple, "What's happenin' man?"  As we were walking the "cool" kid fell behind us, I leaned down to Andrew, and very quietly said, "Hey- you want me to give you a big kiss?" Oh, the look of horror on his face.  It was priceless.  Then he sped walk ahead of me, and stayed a good 10 feet in front of me, just in case I actually intended to lean down and give him a big smacker. 


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