Students Make It All Worth It

 I am having a hard time getting myself in the mood to go back to school.  Between my struggle to sleep without a heavy dose of melatonin and my weirdo dreams- I believe I have some nerves about the upcoming school year. 

I went by school today to beg one of our front office staff to print something in color for me- so I can make a super cool bulletin board for one of our hallways.  While I was there a student that I know well was there.  He was telling me a story and I was totally cracking up.  It reminded me that over the years- kids have said some pretty dang funny things to me.  

Today's story:  this young man apparently encountered another young man- who just graduated- at the grocery store.  The other young man "was bucking up" and today's young man said, "C'mon man!  Not in front of the steaks!"  I agree.  Fighting should not happen in front of steaks.  Probably keep that kind of activity to the beer aisle, or in front of the paper products.  Definitely no fighting in front of the steaks.  LOL

One time years ago, I had a young man who had asked me for help.  I eagerly began to help, as I was really wanting to establish the "I am okay- and you can count on me" trust.   As we finished up, I said, "I am so glad you came to me! I really enjoyed working with you."  He replied, "I do not regret it."  LOL

This one did not happen in my class- but I was asked to "have a talk with the student."  A teacher was doing a pre-reading activity for Romeo & Juliet.  The activity had students sharing qualities that they would that were important for a romantic partner to have.  A young man in the class  says that it's important for his woman to be a good cook.  And my student shouts out, "THEN GET A COOKBOOK ASSHOLE!"  The teacher called me and asked me to talk to the student.  I probably didn't have the conversation the teacher wanted- I did have the conversation the student wanted.  I said, "Girl- I agree with you!!! He should get a cookbook, but maybe next time you could share that thought with me- instead of the class."  LOL

Several years ago- the school was in the middle of exams.  If you're not familiar with a school during exams- you should know it's really quiet.  I was testing a student who had some non-traditional classroom behaviors in a one to one setting (which means- he was alone with me because he tended to be pretty distracting).  He asked to go to the bathroom- and I said, "Sure."  Suddenly I hear all this racket down the hall.  Realizing it's my student- I jet down to the bathroom- and attempt to whisper yell "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!"  He comes out of the bathroom and says all matter of fact "I was practicing my screeching."  Apparently the acoustics in the bathroom and the fact it was so - quiet, provided the perfect auditory stimulation.  LOL

Man- I am glad I wrote this.  I needed to remember how much I love kids to get me back in the mood to go to school.  Once I get through that beginning of the year "stuff" and I'm in front of kids- I am in it to win it!!!!!  


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