30 Days of Thankful #4

Today I am thankful for two things that I couldn't choose between:
1. Honeycrisp Apples.  They're my FAVORITE apples.  FAV.OR.ITE!!!!  They're so crispy, and sweetly tart.  I love their texture.  (Granny Smith apples have a texture that is too . . . squeaky.  Does that make sense?  When I take a bite of a Granny Smith apple, my teeth literally squeak on the apple peel.  It's a very unpleasant sensation and I don't like it. But peeling apples is so much work. Gah! The troubles I face.  Some women are walking 5 miles to bring moderately fresh water to their families, and I don't like to peel apples.  Clearly I have it rough y'all.)

2. Surprisingly, I am thankful for Andrew nagging me. Since he's done with baseball for a bit, we decided to start back swimming as a conditioning method for the spring, and so he nagged me until we went.  Thank goodness.  I was working myself into a total tizzy.  I made a mistake at school, and I'm having to fix it.  I'm mad at myself for being arrogant and assuming I knew the answer (turns out I didn't) You know what happens when you assume.... and I did make an ass of myself.  Plus, I had several things I needed to do, and was feeling resentful that I had to do all these things. 
So- Andrew nagged me and made me go, and it was exactly what I needed.  Exercise almost always is the answer to stress. 

Who knew I'd be thankful for my kid nagging me?!  It's a surprise for sure. 


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