30 Days of Gratitude #2

This is going to be a strange one to be thankful for, but hopefully you understand. 

Doug's been out of town since Tuesday at the crack of dawn.  While I don't want him to be gone forever, I do like that I sometimes get my bed all to myself.   I watched Christmas movies on Hallmark and LifeTime and no one was around to give me a hard time about how they're cheesy or how it's NOT CHRISTMAS TIME!  It was GLORIOUS!  I slept with all the blankets on the bed last night, and no one moved them so they were hanging half on the bed and half off (which I can't stand! I can literally feel the covers moving when they're 1/2 on and 1/2 off!!!!).  Or complained that I had too many blankets on the bed.

Now with all that being said, I'm super thankful he'll be back tonight so that I can sleep on my left side again, which is the side I like to sleep on, but if I sleep on my left side, my back is to my bedroom door.  If my back is to the bedroom door, I can't see the Boogeyman coming in my room. 

26 Days until Thanksgiving!!!


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