Things Adults Do

Somehow turning 40, seems like a bigger deal than turning 30.  Turning 30 didn't really fret me too much.  I'm not really upset that I am turning 40 next year.  I'm not trying to reverse the clock, consider plastic surgery, Botox my lips, have a midlife crisis, or other stuff like that.
I think it seems like a big deal because I actually remember when my parents and their friends turning 40.  I remember thinking my parents were such adults (except for when that People magazine picture of Patrick Swayze diving into his pool, and supposedly a very specific part of his anatomy was sticking out of speedos.  I remember the Mom's sitting around laughing about that for awhile).  I don't think they laughed when people said, "Balls." (however, after recalling that Patrick Swayze event, they probably did, and I just didn't notice). I don't remember them being as dorky as I sometimes am. They seemed mature and responsible.
Of course. . . they were my parents.  They  were probably doing parent-y things like: making rules and giving me consequences- which could seem mature and responsible in the eyes of a 16-18 year old kid. Now that I don't require rules and consequences (goes to show you what they know!), they don't really seem that mature.  They laugh at balls too.
However, the point of all of this is- I feel like I need some way to commemorate the end of my 30's. So I've been making a list of "Things that Adults Do."  Now some of the things on my list- I already do, and I'll cross those off, but there are other things I haven't done, or don't know how to do, or deserve- simply due to my age.
1. Get a mammogram.  (no.  I haven't done it.  I am supposed to have done it for the last 2 years.  I promised my friends a year ago I would.  I still haven't. I am a pansy.  It seems cold and uncomfortable.)
2. Get a newspaper subscription.  I won't read the obituaries . . . first.  First, I'll look for the Police Blotter, because that is GOOD stuff.  Next, I'll read the obituaries.
3. Take a multi vitamin.
4. Try to develop a taste for wine.  It looks very mature to hold a wine glass.  (I mentioned this to someone today, and she said, "Oh!  You could put that Sparkling Welch's Grape Juice in your wine glass, with some grape flavored vodka and let me tell you- that is good stuff!!"  That sounds a little more up to my speed.)
5. Know of an alcoholic beverage I like, and be able to order it at a bar.
6. Drink coffee
7. Hold down a job
8. Have a family
9. Own a car.
10. Get a grown up bedroom.
11.  Make my kids eat more fruits and veggies (No.  This is not crossed off, because I suck as a human being and as a parent.)
12. Plan for retirement and my kids to go to college

That's all that I have so far- feel free to offer up suggestions, but keep in mind- I'm an adult, not a senior citizen.  That's a totally different list that includes things like: prunes and CNN.  I have like another 30+ years before I need to worry about that list.


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