Food Follies

I won't lie, this week has kicked my tail.  On Tuesday, I thought I had worked 2 days in one.  On Wednesday- I knew I worked 3 days in one, and today . . . well today, I am ashamed to say, today was exhausting.  I took a nap.  I ate peanut butter and jelly on toast, with chocolate milk for dinner.

It kicked my tail so bad, that I fed my kids sandwiches with chips, and chocolate milk for dinner. I didn't have the energy to do anything else. Oh, sandwiches aren't so bad?  How about those sandwiches were made on white bread.  Yep.  Go ahead.  Judge. You know you want to.  I would. White bread is from the devil.  Why do we even have white bread in the house???  Doug used it in the breakfast casseroles he fixed for the FFA's faculty breakfast earlier this week.  The slices were leftover.  Andrew thought he was getting a treat.  White bread is a treat.  Bless him.

I hope I step my game up tomorrow- and don't feed my kids sandwiches on white bread.

This reminds me of the time I dropped to an all new low in parenting: I fed Alexa dinner, from a convenience store.  I was so embarrassed.  In fairness, it wasn't that unhealthy.  It wasn't those weird pink, pickled sausages and no drinks containing red dye #5.  Still . . . I had a good chuckle about feeding her dinner supplied from a convenience store.  It was peanut butter crackers and apple juice. How was that dinner?  It's Alexa. She hardly eats meals.  She snacks like nobody's business.  But she hardly eats dinner.  She's the reason I have a snack drawer, then I don't have to constantly supply her with snacks.  She can go get whatever she wants.  It all is healthy and appropriately portioned.  And no arguments.

Yet another food folly is the time I made chili and didn't have enough chili powder, so I used cayenne pepper.  Equal amounts.  I did not reduce it because I foolishly believed that chili powder and cayenne pepper were practically the same thing.  They aren't.  Don't do that.  Doug was a trooper and ate his whole bowl.  I was a pansy.  He was sweating though.  hahahaha that was funny.  I watched him eat that bowl like Dan Aykroyd watched John Candy eat that steak in The Great Outdoors.  I was scared.  I won't lie.

Let's just hope I step up my game tomorrow, and don't feed my family from the convenience store, white bread pb&j sandwiches, and mess up an ingredient in a recipe.  We'll all be just fine . . . I hope.


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