Werewolves of Monroe

It's a good thing I can laugh at myself.  I mean, it frequently puts others at ease, but mostly I put my own self at ease.  Like tonight.  Doug's out of town.  He traveled on a charter bus with 45+ teenagers and 6+ adults to Louisville, KY for the National FFA Convention.

Last night I said, "Doug do you have any idea how much I HATE the National Convention."
"Yes, Kate.  I know."
"But do you know why I HATE the National Convention?"
"Yes, dear.  I know you hate it because the Boogey Man is going to come get you, while I'm gone."
"YES!  That's exactly why!  Plus this year is even worse because it's over Halloween!!!!  And that means I'll have to give the dog one final walk, in the dark, on Halloween night, all by myself!!!!!"
"I'm sorry dear."  (I'm pretty sure he's not sorry at all.  His tone of voice indicated that he thinks I am over reactive and dramatic, as if you can imagine that?!)

So today was the first day of 5 days of single parenthood. I remembered the snacks to send for class parties on Friday, I was on time, lunches were in bags, and no one was screaming!!!  However, the worst part of the day was still to come . . . the dog's final walk of the night.  I made it through homework, bath time, got the kids in bed, emptied the dishwasher, plugged up my phone, and put my jacket on.  Have no fear, I don't walk further than 3 houses down.  (are you wondering why I don't just open the stupid door and let her out to do her business in the backyard?  Because she won't go.  She'll only go the bathroom, for me, on the leash. And you can't walk around the yard, with her on the leash, she knows the difference and won't walk. Pain in the rear, is what she is).  So. . . we head out.  I'm not feeling too bad.  Tonight's not the night I'm dreading walking the dog.  I'm dreading walking her on Halloween!

So we walk down 3 houses and she's taken care of all her needs.  We're heading back and when I get to the house across the street, I hear . . . well I'm not sure.  It was either a big rig downshifting, or . . . a werewolf. Ok, first I thought a coyote, because that's actually something that could happen in this area (for real, there have been many coyote sightings in Monroe, not necessarily in my area, but still), which is exactly why my brain, said, "Hah!  It's not a coyote moron!  It's a werewolf!!!!" And of course, I believed that idea and high tailed it back up my drive way!!!! I dashed in the house, and called my mom.

Why did I call my mom?  What's she gonna do?  Laugh with me.  I am 99.9% sure there was not a werewolf hiding in my neighbors shrubbery, but it's that 0.1% that's got me all freaked out.  Just in case there's really a werewolf in my neighbor's bushes, I am not peeking out the windows to look for 2 glowing eyes.  Thankfully there's a totally cheesy Hallmark romance on, to distract me.   Luckily it's full of cheese.


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