Poor Doug, Now He Know's How I Feel . . .

Doug's always said, "Our kids are not going to have horses!  They're a money pit!!!"  He bases this on observations.

People believe me- never say never with your kids.  NEVER.  Don't say, "My kid won't act like that!" or "My kid won't do that."  or "My kid will never like that."  Those words are the kiss of death!  I said, "Alexa will never like princesses."  She loves princesses.  I'm using them as bribery for potty training.  So Doug saying, "Our kids are not going to have horses . . . " well he did it to his own self.

We went to see Aunt Janet's new horse today.  When we told Alexa we would go see Moonshine, she was so excited!  She was gonna see Aunt Janet's and Abbie's (her cousin) horse!  When she got there, Moonshine was trotting around the pen.  Alexa was a little nervous, she got over it quick.

When Aunt Janet asked if she wanted a turn riding, there was no hesitation, she wanted up on that horse.  Doug was gonna be all nervous, protective, daddy, but then he realized, Miss Independent didn't need him, so he just stood in the middle, and watched while Aunt Janet led Moonshine and Alexa around.

Later after everyone had gotten in their rides (Andrew did not.  He wasn't all that keen on the horse), we were discussing an ice cream place in town.  (It was delicious).  I can't remember exactly how it came up but Alexa was saying something about her having a horse or something to that effect.  So I said, "Alexa, how about if I buy you ice cream instead of a horse?"  She said, "NO!!!!"  Doggone!  Outsmarted again.

I remember almost 2 years ago, Andrew went to a friend's birthday party at a horse barn- Andrew stunned Doug and I by not wanting to ride. We'd never found anything he didn't like to do. (He finally did, but it was not until almost the last second.) We had assumed since he'd been around his aunt's horses some and ridden the pony- he would totally jump up on that horse, but nope.  Alexa wanted to get on that horse.  Even then.  She was only 1.  She wasn't allowed to, but she wanted to.  The horse- nor the size of the horse bothered her at all.

So . . . yeah she's only almost 3.  She has a whole life ahead of her and today's experience certainly doesn't mean we're going out and buying a horse today, but my observation on "horse people" is- you either are, or you're not.  You're "not on the fence."  And Alexa was clearly comfortable.

We'll just have to visit Aunt Janet and Abbie and hope that tides her over for awhile.

I don't know what the girls are doing (besides looking at a wheel barrow full of horse poop), but this picture is super cute to me.  There's no telling what these 2 will get up to as time goes on.


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