Even the TV Says No

So, around 5:00 this afternoon, I realized Andrew was playing in his room, Alexa was hanging with Doug and that meant . . . I could sit down and chill out for a minute.  I deserved it.  I had worked hard today.  I cleaned out my car.  The kind of clean where you take the kids car seats out, wash their covers, take the actual seats of the car out, and vacuum under them and wash down all the plastic in the car.  I had taken a moody, temperamental Alexa for a long walk, dashed around hiding cookies and distracting her from remembering they're no longer in sight, and I've down tons of laundry.  I was tired.

So I snatched a few m&m's, sat down on the couch and . . . there was no sound.  Huh.  Weird, but with Andrew operating the TV and Alexa stealing remotes, it was probably just something with the settings that children had screwed up.  I decided I didn't really care, because then I can watch the Soap Network, or Friends and not worry about little ears hearing things they shouldn't (because you know as soon as I sat my butt down on the couch . . . there was Alexa talking to me and making me take my socks off, even though I wanted them on, but . . . whatever).  So I sit there for probably 15 minutes flipping through channels and not hearing anything.  That got sort of aggravating, so I call out to Andrew and Doug, "HEY?!  ANYONE KNOW WHY I HAVE NO SOUND ON THE TV?!"  Doug comes in and tries to do a few things with the tv settings, and then starts huffing and puffing.  Alexa decides in the middle of this, she HAS to wash her hands RIGHT THAT MINUTE!!!!  So I tell her to pull a chair over to the sink and wash her hands.  Then Doug's getting annoyed, and Alexa screaming that the water is hot.  I change the faucet over to cold, suggest we try to run the cable- without the box and see if that helps.  We try watching a movie to see if it's something else.  No go.  No sound with the DVD player, no sound without the cable box.  Doug's getting pretty annoyed and now Alexa is taking her clothes off, because wouldn't you know it?  They're wet.  Well that just won't do.  She CANNOT have wet clothes.   So Doug decides we'll call the call center and Samsung will tell us what to do.  We actually got a lovely, helpful girl right away.  She heard many an interesting sound in the background, because Alexa was having a fashion crisis- and had to put her pants on by herself, and the first shirt she picked out- and had on, wasn't right because then she found the ice cream shirt and wanted that instead.  Meanwhile I am talking to the customer service rep and, she's telling us our warranty is out of date (of course it is) and Doug's stomping off cursing about how cruddy Samsung products are.  Suddenly the TV goes off, and then comes back on- with the sound BLARING.   The customer service agent says, "Oh, there must have just been a glitch with the tv."  I tell her thank you, she's a miracle worker and we hang up.  Meanwhile, Alexa has decided she absolutely MUST sit on the potty right this minute- even though I had gone in there to go myself. 

And then I just laugh to myself because, so much for my break. I got a broken/possessed tv, a dramatic situation wtih husband's huffing and puffing, and toddlers being demanding.  Where was Andrew in all this?  Wisely, he stayed in his room, playing. 


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