Managing Lazy Bums

It's becoming clear to me that Andrew and I should not be left alone together.  We're NOT good influences on each other.  Eating out and lounging around are becoming an everyday event.  It takes nothing for one of us to convince the other for a lunch or breakfast out, or a stop at the QT for a fountain drink.  Just as it takes nothing for him to convince me that I shouldn't vaccuum, clean the bathrooms, or emtpy the dishwasher right now. 

We both have a natural tendency towards laziness.  If Doug or Alexa are not around to organize and direct us (aka: dictate the plans), Andrew and I don't really do much of anything.  Currently I am using the fact that he practices baseball for at least 2 to 2.5 hours an evening, or plays 1 or 2 games a day, 7 days a week as my excuse for why he can lay around all afternoon (and so he's not lonely, I join him.  That's what a good mom I am.), but baseball will be over in a week.  What will my excuse be then? 

Today, I let him play the Wii for an hour (however, he was active to the point of sweating, so not too horrific) and now we're laying on the couch.  We had more exciting plans, but he talked me out of them because he just wants to sit and watch tv.  Since I just feel like sitting and doing nothing, I was easily convinced it was a good idea.  Sort of like this morning, I needed to stop by the grocery store, and I easily convinced him to get up and get out the door, by mentioning I'd buy him a donut.  We easily convinced each other that lunch out was a good idea since we'd never been to this particular restaurant and it was good to try new things. 

I am laying here, feeling guilty for allowing this lacksadaisical lifestyle to occur, wondering what will become of us in summers to come, and then had this happy thought, "Oh, it'll be ok.  Alexa's here to manage us. She won't let us lay around and be lazy.  She might aggravate us with her micromanaging (which I am pretty sure she'll do), but we won't always be bums either." and I felt relief.  How pathetic is it that I am thankful to my 2 year old for managing me?  The thing is, she's good at it, and quite honestly, I am happy to hand the reins over to her sometimes.


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