
Poor Doug. You gotta feel sorry for him sometimes.

This past week he and his co-teacher took 8 students to Raleigh for the state FFA Convention. The weekend before he left, we lived on the baseball field since Andrew's team was playing in a tournament and since there is no rest for the weary, we practiced Monday night. Doug and Andrew got home at 9:30pm and then Doug packed in a flurry to leave for the Convention at 7am the following morning. In all of the flurry, he forgot his Facebook account and didn't sign out on the iPad...

There I am on Wednesday, happily pinning many a pretty picture to my Pinterest boards when I realized, "What's this? Did my handsome husband leave his facebook account unattended?!" I decided I would leave a little post about how awesome his wife is that goes like this: "My wife ROCKS!! Not only is she smoking HOT, but she takes super good care of me! I am one lucky dude!!" then, like the dork I am, I giggled like crazy thinking about Doug's reaction.

I just assumed he would log onto Facebook later that night and discover it.

Here's my favorite part of the story: ignorant to his wife's naughtiness, Doug is hanging out up in Raleigh, when another Agriculture teacher walks up to him and out of the blue and says, "Hey, I hear your wife is smoking hot!" Doug's really confused (not because it isn't true, of course, but because that's just not what one teacher would say to another), "What?" So the other teacher says it again, "I hear your wife is smoking hot!" and then adds, "That's what I saw on the Internet and if it's on the Internet, it must be true."

Suddenly the lightbulb went on and that's how Doug discovered I hacked his account.


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