Food Envy

I think I could get Alexa to eat just about anything: bugs, dirt, slugs, if I'm eating it, she wants it.

Tonight, we went to Panera at Andrew's request.  I ordered her a grilled cheese and strawberry yogurt.  I should have ordered her a French Onion Soup and Roast Beef on Asiago because that's what she ate.  Andrew ate her grilled cheese and his.  What 16 month old eats French Onion Soup?  The same one that dips her nuggets in my caesar dressing, eats black beans like their going out of style,  and loves steamed broccoli. 

The thing is, I don't really like to share my food, unless it's been predetermined and you order something that you intend to share with me as well.  Then by all means . . . I'll happily share, but only under those circumstances.

I have a student that remembers things about myself and the classroom assistants and will randomly come up to you and repeat the thing he remembers- often.  So for one of the assistants he remembers that she wore sunglasses 3 years ago and teases her about that.  For me he remembers, I don't share chocolate.  That's what he remembers about me.  He'll randomly come up to me, say when we're in the gym playing basketball and announce, "Mrs. Latta doesn't share chocolate"  and then walk away.  Really?!  That's what he remembers about me?!  Couldn't he remember all the nice things I've done for him?!  No, he remembers the one time I said I don't share chocolate.  However, thinking on it- that might be the most important thing to remember about me.

Alexa has no concept that I don't share.  She doesn't try to get food off Doug's plate.  She doesn't try to take Andrew's food.  Just mine.  The other night she ate 3 helpings of sweet potatoes (she LOVES some sweet potatoes) and had finished her 2nd serving of broccoli and then busted a move on the broccoli I was still eating.  Tonight, I wasn't planning to share my French Onion Soup- or the crinkle mint double chocolate chip cookie (which wasn't really"sharing" because she ate half of it), but it just happened.  She was even tolerant of me feeding her- which she hasn't been tolerant of for the last . . . oh practically the entire time she's eaten solids. 

So. . . the next time we go out, I am ordering her something I like so that way it's predetermined sharing. 


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