Firsts, Lasts, and Snowballs

In the last issue of my Parents magazine, there was an article about milestones you might forget to notice.  We've had 2 today.
A last milestone: Alexa probably sat in her high chair for the last time today.  She's been gradually moving towards this for the last 2 weeks, but I just feel like this was it.  She ate some of her breakfast in her high chair and then demanded to get out and proceeded to finish her breakfast sitting in a regular chair at the table with Doug and I.  She did the same thing to me last night.  As she sat there with her little face barely higher than the table, swinging her legs, and content that she was doing what she wanted, Doug said, "Girl, you're too independent for you're own good!"  Ain't it the truth though?!

A first milestone: Andrew and Lu-Lu are playing together.  Have been for the last 45 minutes.  They interacted a lot, but it's mostly Andrew chasing her or doing something that makes her laugh.  Today, Andrew decided he needed a fort and he wanted Alexa to play in it with him.  It took her a minute to get adjusted to it.  It was a little scary at first, but now she's thrilled with it.

 I wonder if I should warn Doug that Andrew is planning to ambush him with our version of snowballs?  Yes, there is a freeze warning for our area tonight, but we won't get snow.  Our "snowballs" are actually balled up pieces of old wrapping paper or packing paper and they hang out in a bag behind the couch.  They get pulled out . . . a lot.  Those are quite honestly some of the most popular "toys" and I didn't spend a doggone cent on them. We've had them for about 9 months now.  Andrew LOVES to bust them out and loves when you throw them back at him.  I love them because it is fun and no one is gonna get hurt and end up crying because a piece of paper hit you. 


  1. Love their fort! Our girls build them a lot too. We have the Pottery Barn Anywhere chairs, which I swear have been our best investment EVER....the girls use them for their forts a lot. This is a great post. I need to remember to take pictures like that as well.


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