Random, Intense Bouts of Screaming

A friend recently posted that phrase describing her son's mood for the day.  When I read that, the heaven's opened and rays of sunshine cast down on me as I finally had a . . . term to describe Alexa!  And the security that I do not have the only child who does this . . . a lot.

I generally am not too worried with what my neighbors think, but I wonder if they feel sorry for us, think we're totally crazy, or wish we'd move so that they wouldn't have to hear all her "Random, Intense Bouts of Screaming." 

A few weekends ago we brought out the toddler sized riding vehicles for her.  They were handy-me-downs from Andrew.  He LOVED them.  Particularly the little John Deere gator.  I video taped him once riding it and pressing the same button over and over and over and over and over- and sent the video to my in laws so they could "enjoy" the sounds we kept hearing- since they were the ones who gave it to us.  But Andrew loved to sit on it and push around the living room.  And here's yet another difference between my children.   That toy made Alexa psychotic.  Completely and totally crazed.  She sat in the driveway screaming at it.  Would throw herself down, scream some more, stand up, try to throw it, scream some more.  Doug and I just ignored her.  That's what he try to do.  If we run to her every scream- all she'll learn is that screaming will make us appease her.  Doug finally snatched the toy up and pitched it into the back of his truck- which just made her scream more.  Then I decided it was time for her nap. 

Tonight she had a melt down with a chair.  I, for the life of me, don't know what she was trying to do with it- but it wouldn't do what she wanted that's for sure.  We had Random, Intense Bouts of Screaming number 4700 for the day and I was maxed out on patience.  After she threw the chair down- again, I opened the door to the garage and pitched it out the door.  Later when Andrew was talking to Doug about his day- he said, "The funniest thing happened at dinner.  Alexa kept tipping the chair over and mom got mad and threw it out the door!" When said in those terms, it makes me sound like the crazy one!  Could that be me?  Yes, sometimes Random, Intense Bouts of Screaming will do that to a girl.  Just ask Alexa.


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