Wardrobe Crisis

I don't know if you're aware of this, but Andrew has given us many troubles over clothes.  He has very clear/rigid ideas of what's "cool" to wear and what's not.  I pray that Alexa is not quite as opinionated- because girls have way more options than boys. 
So, the other morning I had to leave early because my "class" (aka the classroom assistant and myself) were providing breakfast for the teachers at my school for Teacher Appreciation Week.  While I am setting up the food, my phone rings and it's Doug.  When I see his number I feel a wave of panic because Doug and I do not talk to each other during the day, unless something is wrong.  I've only been gone 20 minutes, how can something already be wrong?!  Here's a script of the convesation:
Me: Hello? 
Doug: CAN ANDREW WEAR FLIP FLOPS TO SCHOOL?!  (in a very exasperated tone) 
Me: (feeling very relieved nothing is wrong, but feeling bad that Doug is having to deal with a fashing crisis- as Andrew can be a real blockhead about clothes) Well, . . . . no he's not supposed to but, . . .
Doug: Well, he has no clean socks, and I have already thrown all his laundry in the wash, so he has no socks!  I tried to freshen up a pair and put them in the microwave, but I burnt them.  So he has no socks. 
Me: (oh jeez- I really need to keep up with the laundry better) ahhh, well put him in flip flops and just write a note to his teachers explaining that I have fallen down on the job and I'll try to bring him clean socks and shoes later. 
Doug: ok.

Well- I get a few texts reporting that burnt socks really stink (I can attest to this- as when I got home later- the house still did have a tinge of burnt sock smell) and that he managed to get socks clean- and dry and Andrew off to school in socks and shoes.  

That evening Doug and Andrew went to Target and bought lots more socks.  I might hide a pair for an emergency just in case.


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