Rules, rules, rules, and more rules.

I have a not so nice confession to make.  I don't like to play with Andrew.  Before you judge me as a mean and horrible mother- let me try to justify myself.  When you go to "play" with Andrew, you're not actually playing, you stand there for 20 years waiting for the game to actually start while he makes 20,000 rules.  I know my parents are reading this and nodding their heads right now, and thinking, "She speaks the truth.  Andrew does make a LOT of rules." 

Tonight is a perfect example.  We were outside after dinner.  Doug is sitting on the swing, and Alexa (in the backpack) and I are standing off to the side of it and Andrew is up on the new and improved playset and says, "I want to throw the football."  So I say, "Ok- I will."  Andrew says, "No I mean, I want to throw the football with someone who can catch good."  Huh.  Fine then.  I see how it is!  (I am pretty sure the first opportunity I get, I will make sure the nerf ball comes pretty close to coming in contact with him- I am my father's daughter after all.)

Then it starts.  The rules.  The rules that go on and on and on and there's no possible way you can keep up with all of them or follow them,  plus they're all in favor of Andrew.  They went something like this:   If you hit me, then you're out (huh, I think he has played ball with me before).  The ball has to go through the playset.  If the ball comes over here, then I get 1840 points (??!!) You're not allowed to move away from the ball (??!!)  And then he started to sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown, wah wah wah wah wah. 

I think he gets that rule making tendency from Doug.  I certainly don't have a lot of rules. 


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