It's Murphy's Law

 Have you ever heard the term phrase Murphy's Law?  I first heard it way back in the late 80's because there was a tv show called Murphy's Law.  Apparently the phrase means, "Anything that can go wrong- will go wrong."  

Now I bet you're thinking this is going to be a blog post talking about 2020.  It's not.  It's a blog post about TECHNOLOGY BEING AN OVERALL PAIN IN MY PATOOT.

Last week I had to take a video, and create an audio file for one of my classes.  When I initially learned of this event I had to perform, I assumed I would just go to school and get an audio recording device.  Turns out we didn't have one of those.  Turns out to purchase one is $100+.  I wasn't spending that money for one use.  I thought I solved the problem because the school does have a snazzy recording device and I was initially told it does do audio recordings in addition to awesome video recordings. . . it doesn't do just audio.  I was starting to get frustrated and slightly desperate, but I remembered hearing our teacher laptops had a recording device.  Awesome!!!! I would play the video, and record it on my laptop.  Problem solved.  Not problem solved.  Our home computer is so dang old that it literally couldn't load the video unless an act of God was performed on it.  I am not capable of such an act- so the home computer was a no go.  I happened to have a loaner teacher computer . . . the charger I was given with it- literally would not charge the laptop- so when it ran out of charge (a bit into the video recording) I was unable to charge the loaner.  Finally, I asked Doug if I could use his teacher computer to play the video and my computer to record the audio file.  I would like to brag and say- I only cried tears of fury and frustration once.  I did call my mother and curse words that any sailor would be impressed with.  

Well- wouldn't it be great if that was the only technology trouble in my life???  

I decided since this year is such a weird year I would do Christmas cards.  I haven't done them in years and it might be a nice thing to do, plus I rarely take pictures of my kids, so it would be nice to have a picture of them for posterity.  First- Andrew had to be a pain when I gave him the heads up that I wanted to take pictures.  I gave him a days notice.  He was all like,  "I don't want to do that."  "Whhhyyyy???"  "Ugghhhh."  Eye rolling, dragging his feet, being an overall pain.  Alexa said, "ok!!"  I sat them down in front of the Christmas tree on Friday afternoon.  It took 3 pictures- and they were fine.  It went so well, I moved them to the porch, and then in front of our Christmas light display.  I was so excited that the whole affair took just a few minutes.  I ran inside and loaded them onto the old as pooh laptop and . . . realized that the sunlight was glaring which made weird shadows, and apparently there was some weird setting on the camera because even though I took pictures, they were all movies.  Uhhhh- what?  Well I have no ability to edit photos on this decrepit stupid computer, plus with the light issues- I asked if we could do the pictures again.  Everyone was surprisingly agreeable, I guess because the first experience went so well, they were surprisingly agreeable.  I attempted again today.  Except the dog was a total nightmare and the camera was being even more weird.  I tried my cell phone- except it just isn't as good as the camera.  GAH.  (cue Clark Grislwold meltdown).  I sent the pictures to my mother- and asked if she could do anything with them.  And that's why I never send Christmas cards.  I think about it every year.  One year I even got semi-professional pictures taken- but nothing.  I don't even know what I'll do with them, once my mother works the magic I hope she has.  Maybe I'll just have pictures of my kids, because I don't have any.  Which I'm starting to feel a little regretful about- Andrew's a 10th grader. I only have a few more years with him home . . . Oh well.  I guess if that's my biggest regret, I'm doing okay.  


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