Massive Mom Guilt Week
This week is the week of teacher workdays- before students go back. I would like to develop a name for this week, for all the teachers that are mom's (and dad's- but mostly mom's because we feel guilt way more than dad's). I think I will call this week: MMGW (Massive Mom Guilt Week)
This week is the worst for mom guilt. The worst. I'm literally on the fringe of a total meltdown because I'm feeling overwhelmed, and over stimulated, and like I was the suckiest of sucky parents today. I almost burst into tears. I don't cry. Like- ever. And I was about to be one dramatic, sobbing, fool:
Well, Kate if you feel so bad- why aren't you interacting with your child instead of blogging?! That is an excellent question. I gave myself 30 minutes to do something I really wanted to do. Not clean up the kitchen, start laundry, make dinner. Nope. 30 minutes- do something I really want- and then get it together and do all I need to do. But- destress- then I can do.
At 3:15 Alexa hadn't eaten lunch. That's bad. For a lot of reasons, 1- 3:15?! Really we didn't feed our child! In fairness, she was offered lunch- but didn't want it. 2- Alexa is a "little" anxious about this new school year. She's been sleeping with the trashcan in her bed for over a week. She's not going to throw up- I know she's not going to throw up- but her stomach hurts because she's worrying- so she sleeps with a trashcan in her bed. Nerves make us do weird things. 3. When Alexa is anxious her blood sugar gets wacky- and I have to be more aware of her need to not only eat regularly- but healthy. Sooooooo I just totally set my kid up for a complete disaster by not realizing it was already 3:15 and she hadn't eaten. 4. I didn't even plan for her to be at school, so I didn't tell her to pack food/snacks that will make this acceptable. So- basically: I'm a flake, who doesn't even pay attention to her kid, who's probably going to have some blood sugar crisis, and I suck.
As it turns out- she didn't have a blood sugar episode. She was fine, and came home and ate a perfectly fine "lunch/dinner." She told me about the fun things she did when she ran between Doug's room and my room. Turns out- she wasn't miserable and unloved, and wasting away. Nor was she sitting in a corner worrying about 4th grade. She had fun playing with teenagers and helping her dad clean, and watching videos- and apparently eating junk.
So why was I beating myself up? Why was I working myself into a Grade A guilt fest? Because I'm a mom? Yep- I'm a mom and we feel bad about all kinds of weird things.
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