An Unexpected Side Effect

For my birthday I asked for a FitBit.  I had done some research and determined that it was the best for my needs, intentions, and price range.  I have suspected for awhile that I actually move a lot less than I assumed.  I was/am correct.  Some of you are saying, "How can that be?!  You're a teacher!"  It's actually not that hard to sit a lot.  #1 the classrooms are a tad crowded, and it's hard to get into the rows and help kids without my rear-end being in another kid's face.  Or I squat next to them, but getting up is a challenge and I groan because I'm an old fart.  I usually make kids come to me- we can sit in desks next to each other  where I can concentrate better on what they're asking me, as opposed to being in the rows where I am inevitably distracted by someone.  #2- having computers with slide shows, or some other type of presentation on them- makes it hard to move too far away from the keyboard, where I have to hit a button to move forward, or whatever.  (I'm not cool with a laser clicker.)

Anyway- I have loved my FitBit. I have discovered that no matter how hard I try- I really don't sleep much more than 6 1/2 hours a night.  Discovering this two weeks ago, I've spent the last week going to bed earlier and earlier- and it doesn't matter.  I wake up earlier and earlier.  I've decided to stop going to bed earlier, so I don't wake up at ridiculous hours like 4am. 

I've learned that when I actually do exercise- I'm not working hard enough because I don't hit my target heart rate.  Which explains some things. 

I like that it's made me be more aware of ways to move. 

I've also caused myself a fair amount of stress.  It is surprisingly difficult for me to get 10,000 steps in a day.  Something always crops up.  Last night Alexa had Girl Scouts.  Tonight Andrew needed me to proof his research paper.  Now it's 8pm and dark outside, so no walking. Unfortunately, I'm not even near 10,000 steps.  I have 7,700 steps.  I started noticing last week, that the days I don't get 10,000 steps, I really beat myself up.  I spend a lot of time berating myself for things that are kind of out of my control.  I am constantly berating myself for not using my time wisely.  If I would have just . . . earlier in the day, then . . . wouldn't have happened, and then . . . .  I could have, which would have let me . . . .

Yesterday, I saw this quote- and screen shot it and intended to remember it, but then today my Sunday School teacher posted the same quote.  Clearly I needed to hear it: "Repetitive complaining will attract things for you to complain about.  Repeated gratitude will attract things for you to be thankful about."  So, I guess instead of beating myself up, feeling frustrated that I don't have time, I will be thankful that's all I have to worry about, and figure out how to get some more steps in, in a different way.  It also brings up another idea.  I have done this over the last couple of years, and I think I need to do it again- I need to focus on some positives.  It's easy to get bogged down in the negative these few days before Spring Break.  I will not.  I will be positive.  So- what do I have to feel gratitude for?  So much.  So doggone much.  But here are 3 things:
1. My principal- he's a pretty positive person.  He has done a lot of things to try and build the morale of not only the teachers, but the students, and the community.  I don't know how he does it.  How he has the energy, how he doesn't get bogged down in the negative, but somehow everyday he comes in with a fresh attitude and a go-get-em attitude. 
2.  I say this one every year- but it's so true. I am so thankful for not only my mental health,but my family's as well.  Y'all there are some hurting people out there. 
3. I'm thankful for my 3rd period suddenly deciding to interact with me.  They've been kind of duds this whole semester, and this week they suddenly decided to start chatting with me.  IT'S SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!  They're fun and smart and I like their sense of humor . . . when they decide to share it with me.  I hope they don't stop.  Quiet classes are so boring. 


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