Water, Water, Everywhere

I realized that I don't drink anywhere near enough water.  Like- at all.  I feel accomplished if I drink 20 oz of water.  If I don't drink water, what do I drink?  Not much.  I allow myself 1 Diet Coke a day and one cup of coffee a day.  I don't drink tea, juice, or alcohol.  Occasionally, if I have been really working in the yard, like a crazy woman, I will drink a Gatorade- that's like 1 time a week. I'm just not a thirsty person. 

Drinking any kind of liquid is not inherent to me. I have to remind myself, and make myself.  However, I have been struggling with gaining weight. I'm frustrated with this, because I don't feel like I eat all that much.  I don't snack.  I don't eat fast food.  I am not saying I eat great, but I don't eat enough to gain weight like I have been.  Plus- it's summer, so I exercise everyday and work in the yard.  What's going on?! 

I decided I would drink 100 oz of water.  A few years ago I had gotten into a really good habit of drinking 100 oz of water a day and without trying I started to lose a little weight (not a lot, but enough that I had more room in the waistband of my jeans). 

I started yesterday. 

Now I know why I don't drink water.  Holy trips to the bathroom Batman! 

I have a schedule all worked out, so that I am done drinking water anywhere between 6 and 7pm.  That way I will hopefully NOT have to get up and pee 47 million times throughout the night.  Last night, I only had to go once. 

I jolted awake at 5am this morning. I had just had a dream that I overslept, and started my water drinking schedule too late and I would never get all the water in for the day and then I would drink it later into the night, thus having to go to the bathroom a million times and throw off my schedule for the rest of my life.  Who knew drinking water was so stressful?!  No wonder I don't drink it!  I laid there for awhile, rolling and wiggling and decided- I might as well just get up. I'll get a jump start on my water, and not disrupt Doug. 

I've had approximately 40 oz of water in 3 hours, plus my cup of coffee.  I've gone to the bathroom 5 times.  I will need to take a break from drinking water, so that I can drive 3 miles down the road to the nearest grocery store.  Dash across the parking lot into the store, use the restroom, dash to the toilet paper aisle and buy an economy pack, go to the bathroom again, dash home at 65 mph so I can go again. 

If you need me- you know where to find me until my has adjusted to this insane new regiment in a few days. 


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