Ain't Marriage Grand?

I debated on whether I would share this story because it doesn't exactly paint one of us in the best light. It gives a little more insight than perhaps I should, but I feel pretty sure many of you have had a similar conversation at some point- just maybe not as rudely as I ended it.

I have been dreaming of my gardens that I am going to plant this spring. We're in the throws of February. The worst month of the year. I need something to get me through this stupid month! I have 3 gardens planned: a hydrangea garden along the side of my house, a cut flower garden, and a shady rain garden near the fence.

I just spent 1.5 hours researching the plants I was going to use for my cut flower garden and shady rain garden. I've crossed out foxglove because it's poisonous, and added in allium because it is apparently awesome. I created a table on a Google doc with photos, information, and then created a layout. It's so stinking awesome!

For my rain garden I've spent the last several weeks looking up information on plants that can handle bog conditions. They're wonderful for helping absorb the moisture. I have several plants that I'm pretty excited about. I created a very handy dandy table with all necessary information. It has been such a productive period of time.

I took a break to wash Alexa's hair- discovered the bathroom was a pig-sty- fussed at children to clean it up, and then went into the bedroom- where Doug is watching tv- to express my enthusiasm at my past 1.5 hours. I am so excited about my plans, c'mon March!!!! (also- thank God I live in the South where March is an appropriate time to plant shrubs which will tide you over to April when the real planting starts!)

As I enter the bedroom, I am rubbing my hands together excitedly and:

I say, "GAHH! I am so excited about my plant plans!"
Doug says, "Oh- I have plans I'm excited about too." And waggles his eyes at me.
I roll my eyes. Ignore him. Go on, "I've got the rain garden all planned out!"
Doug: "Rain garden?"
Me: "Yeah- down near the fence."
Doug: says something rude and inappropriate that I will not repeat- but it involved more side eyes at me.
Me: Ginormous, dramatic sigh "Never mind. I didn't want to have an adult conversation."
Doug: "Ok. I'm sorry. Tell me about your plants."
Me. (as I am sweeping dramatically out of the room) I"ll tell you about my plants when I shove them up your ass!"

Poor Doug. The good news is- it's a wet garden area- and not a cactus area- otherwise that could leave a mark.


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