Back to School Ready

Dang y'all!!!! I feel more personally prepared to start this school year, than I have in recent years. Although- in fairness, last year we were preparing to move in approximately 2 weeks after school started, so . . .  last year should NEVER be a year I compare to.  I've been getting mentally prepped for school lunches (hopefully better than last year), organized (uhh- all my tissue paper is categorized!), and the house is reasonably clean.

I took Alexa to go get school supplies this morning.  I wanted to get that final task done before I went back to work because: 1. Otherwise, I would have to go after work, when stores are crowded.  2. I am too tired to deal with crowds after work.  3. If I go now- there will be plenty of options.

Andrew said, "Have fun."  I left him home, chilling on the couch.  Besides- I wasn't buying him anything anyway.  I'm not buying his school supplies until the school year starts, and I know what he needs.  I did buy him pencils though.  His parents- both teachers- forgot last year.  I was a frazzled mess last year.

You can tell I took Alexa school shopping.  Typically Doug does this, or at least spearheads it.  I always whine about it, but I wanted it done before I went back to work.  Again -avoiding the crowds. Since it's me that took her, she got sequenced binders, and sparkly pencil pouches.  And a Carolina Panther shirt- because they have Panther Day . . .  some time.  Not sure when.  Or if they will.  But they MIGHT- and she's ready.

Doug would have convinced her plain old boring red, green, blue, and black are the best color options.  Well, I fell victim to her cuteness.  Big blue eyes!  Freckles on her nose!!!!!  I'm useless against them.  She also convinced me to buy Dove chocolate mints, but "let's not tell the boys." (Let's be honest- that took literally no convincing, but if she hadn't been there, I wouldn't have bought them. I would have stuck with my Survival Dark Chocolate only).  

Andrew's "pile" of school supplies is quite a bit smaller- so far.   And his pile is negative sparkly. Some might say, boring.  

Before I left to take Alexa shopping, I told him, if he didn't' come with me, I wouldn't buy his lunch box.  He said, "Cool.  I'll just get Dad to get it, when he goes to Wal Mart another time."  Always a step ahead, that one.  Always a step ahead.  However, he did entertain me with this text exchange: 
I love when he tolerates my weirdness.

I won't lie- I am kind of ready to go back to school.  I need a routine.  I'm in such dire need of routine- I'm about to over do it.  I can only go so long without structure and routine before I deteriorate into lunacy.  (I have no idea where Alexa gets her flair for the drama.  It's truly a mystery.)


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