The Fake Snake

Weeks ago, a fake snake showed up in our yard.  I noticed it one day, when I was walking the dog. I saw it from a distance, and approached with caution.  I wasn't too alarmed by it, as snakes don't bother me- at all.  (birds are a whole other story, and I will dance around the yard like a freak, if one buzzes by me. I once ran off the deck and left a tiny toddler Alexa on the deck, where a bird landed. Proud mom moment.)   I assumed it belonged to one of the kids in the neighborhood- so I left it.  I figured they'd come get it.

Well, we were doing some yard work, and the snake was in the exact spot we were working, so we threw it to another spot.  At this point, it was a little buried in the grass and not as noticeable because the grass was getting taller, so now when we would walk around the yard, the "snake" would surprise one of us.  And yet . . . we left it.  Why?  Duh!  It was fun watching one of us get surprised.

Earlier this week, Doug got a text from a friend that works for the fire department.  Apparently the fake snake scared the mess out of one of the firemen that had come to service the fire hydrant in our front yard.  I am still laughing about this- days later.  Let me say first: I totally appreciate the services our fire men and women, and if it would have ever have occurred to me that they would have come and had an unfortunate experience, due to the snake . . . I would NEVER have left it there.

With that said . . . it's funny!  Can you imagine this strapping, fire dude, walking up to the fire hydrant.  He's just thinking about how he's gonna check this equipment out and then go on to the next one.  Maybe one of the dudes from the truck are talking a little trash.  He's all unsuspecting, and then out of the corner of his eye he sees this snake and holy . . . !!!!!  He jumps and hollers out and then suddenly he realizes, "oh, that's fake.  Son of a gun!"  Then you know.  You just know that the other dudes gave him hell for freaking out over a FAKE snake.  I know they gave him hell, because we got a text about it.

Hahahahaha that fake snake.  It has since moved away from the fire hydrant, but no fear . . .it is still lurking in the yard waiting to surprise its next victim!


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