Twenty One

Friends of elementary aged males, does your son say, "Twenty One?" A lot?  There's this whole sequence he would go through: What's nine plus ten?  Twenty One!  Or on the way home from church today Alexa would say, "Andrew- jump out of the car!" and wait until Andrew responded, "Twenty One!"

He's been saying it for a week or better.  When I first heard him saying this stupid phrase, I ignored it. Then I started wondering . . . WTH?!  Why does he keep saying this, and more mysterious, Doug seemed to have some knowledge about the phrase.  When I asked about it, Andrew couldn't explain it, and Doug sort of shook his head, but didn't offer up any kind of explanation.  Several days later . . . I started to get sort of paranoid about it.  In a government conspiracy sort of way.  My theory behind the stupid phrase seemed far fetched, and unlikely . . . yet . . . what if?   (my theory was that it was some sort of secret boy language and they were communicating secret messages to one another.  Keep in mind- I ran home from walking the dog one night because I thought I heard a werewolf in my neighbor's yard.  Over active, unreasonable, irrational imagination is a re-occurring problem for me.)

Today at lunch I demanded an explanation.  Andrew says, "I don't know what it means.  But all the 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade boys say it."  Doug did the mysterious eye roll, which only furthered my paranoia.  I told Andrew, if he didn't know what it meant- maybe he shouldn't say it.  How did he know he wasn't saying something inappropriate?!  Doug in the meantime- has found a link to "explain" this mysterious phrase-  Seriously?  This explains everything.  I hate South Park.  Hate it.  I think it, and it alone, is leading to the downfall of American Society.  It show cases ignoramus, moronic, idiots.  It is NOT funny- in any capacity.  It  is offensive on every possible level.  In this 1 minute clip it pretty much illustrates every part of what I hate about the show.  It is thoughtless and irresponsible.  It spawned other thoughtless and irresponsible cartoons: Family Guy and American Dad and others.  People are foolish enough to think that because it's a cartoon it's okay for their children to watch.  Nothing could be further than the truth.  The creators have gotten all this credit for how ground breaking they are.  Yeah- ground breaking at teaching others to be rude, insensitive, and ignorant.  Way to go creators.  You nailed it.

Yikes!  Holy cow.  Where did that bandwagon spiel come from?!  Clearly I have some suppressed (or not so much) feelings I need to deal with.  Anyway- once I realized this stupid phrase Andrew keeps saying comes from some dumb South Park clip (that he has NEVER seen)- I was stumped.  Really? Why does he say it constantly?  It's ridiculous, makes no sense, and is stupid.  But . . . now friends- if you didn't know what the heck your son was saying, or why- now you do.  Count on the Latta's to explain the weird sayings our children come up with.


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