My Life is Better Because . . .

I don't think I've ever written about a baking/cooking before, but there's always a first. 

My life is better because of Pinterest!!!!  Seriously!  The person or people that invented Pinterest are simply genius.  I wonder, periodically when I will get tired of it, but I haven't.  Today I tried out something that is sure to improve my life and Andrew's lunches!  Did you know that if you soak apples in water with a little bit of salt, they do not get brown?!!!  Seriously!  They don't.  For real.  They don't.  I've had these Galas (which I feel brown more easily than others) in this container of water with a 1/2 teaspoon of salt for over and hour, they're not brown, they don't taste weird, they're not slimy, icky, or gross.  They're apples.  And I am dipping them in this lovely peanut butter dip I also got from Pinterest.  I wouldn't exactly say it's healthy, but . . . it's not terribly unhealthy.  I used 1 cup of peanut butter (and I use a natural peanut butter- so less sugar), 1 block of fat free cream cheese (which normally I hate, abhor, and despise- but Doug bought it and you can't even tell in this dip!), and a jar of marshmallow cream (ok- not so healthy. I know that.  But marshmallow cream isn't as bad as I thought- it only has 8 grams of sugar per serving- that's less than my cereal with flakes and strawberries).  I creamed it all together in my mixer (something else that has greatly improved my life.  Thank goodness my aunt bought me that as a wedding present! I use it all the time!) and put it in a bowl and it's lovely! 

I think I'll put this in Andrew's lunch next week and it'll spruce it up.  Be a change from the ordinary, but not something completely unhealthy.  He's bored with everything, even school lunches.  When he gets bored with lunch, he doesn't eat lunch.  It's hard to make the same old, same old new.  Andrew has a phobia of new things.  Last night we made him try some refried beans and yellow rice.  It ended badly.  He had a major screaming hissy fit, in which he ended up in time out.  The neighbors, if they heard him, probably thought we cramming razor blades up his finger nails with the way he went on.  We weren't.  Just trying to expand his horizons.  Silly us. 


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