Mom vs Dad

Lately, my beautiful son has taken to telling me that Daddy is more fun or Daddy's better or he likes Daddy more.  Let me say in all honesty, it does not hurt my feelings.  It does confuse me, because how can Doug be more fun than me?!  Seriously, I'm hillariously fun! 

Here's my proof:
1. When it's just me and Andrew hanging out, I pretty much do whatever he wants.  We go see "Madagascar," go to the pool, parks, Discovery Place, Chick Fil A or McDonalds (although, hardly ever to McDonalds because I can't stand their nasty, fake, scientifically enhanced food).  You want dessert even though you didn't finish your lunch?  Ok . . . yep.  I've become a total slacker (sometimes.  Not all the time)

Doug takes him to water the greenhouses, or work in the garden, or to hit off the pitching machine. 

Mommy 1: Daddy 0

2.  Doug yells at Andrew on the t-ball field.  "You should've had that!" "Get your glove on the ground!" "What are you doing?!" 

I yell encouragements: "It's ok buddy!" "Relax!"  "You can do this!"

Mommy 2: Daddy 0

3. I'll give Doug this- his discipline tends to be louder, but significantly shorter, as in it's immediately forgiven and forgotten.  My discipline tends to last longer and involve the tv no longer being an option. 

Mommy 2: Daddy 1

4.  I come with baggage; a "moderately" temperamental, high maintenance 2 year old sister, is often part of my package.  I try to be a bit more lenient when we're making a mad dash through a store and Alexa is shrieking her head off.  If Andrew wants to walk ahead or behind us 20 feet or so . . . totally understandable.  If society would let me, I'd sometimes join him. 

Mommy 2: Daddy 2

4.  Perhaps I am not as sneaky as I think when I clean out Andrew's room.  Doug might neaten Andrew's room, but I throw stuff away that I deem "unimportant," when Andrew's not looking. 

Mommy 2: Daddy . . .

5.  They like the same music and movies.  (Country music and Transformers)

Ahh who's counting anyway.  I rock.  Andrew's just getting to that age when he doesn't know what's cool anymore. 

Aren't they too cute?!


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