If I Used My Brain For Good . . .

This will blow your mind- it blows mine- we're in the process of trying to get Andrew his permit.  I'm about to be chauffeured everywhere I go.  I'm about to change Andrew's name to Jarvis (after Howard Stark's chauffeur- Iron Man's Dad's Chauffeur). 

I've been befuddled by this process from Day 1.  It doesn't help that the process has been completely screwed up by having a Global Pandemic.  This isn't the only process that causes me confusion.  Every single year I am totally confused on how to renew my car's registration.  Every year.  Why?  Does it change that much from year to year?  It seems to, to me- but here's the thing I have a very difficult time following procedures. Anything to do with insurance?  A mystery.   Which is kind of hilarious because I am a special education teacher- our job is pretty much following paperwork procedures.  Which I can do (probably because I have a LOT of opportunities to practice that paperwork)

I have a theory about why I have a hard time following procedures: I'm not detail oriented.  I'm a big picture kind of gal.  (this is one reason why Doug and I work well together.  I come up with the overall plan, and Doug takes care of all the details to make my vision happen).  I don't read well.  I mean- I read voraciously.  I read dozens of books a year . . . but in actuality I skim them.  I don't read for details well.  This makes it particularly difficult to follow directions.  As it turns out- when you are going to follow directions to put something together or follow a recipe- you should read for details.  I don't like to do that.  So- I miss the details when I skim.  Then I always assume "it'll be fine . . . "

So this morning- I took Andrew to get his eyes screened for drivers ed, and . . . screwed it up.  So we come home to get everything we should have taken with us.  But I got distracted by a gift basket with delicious treats that was brought to Doug.  Doug specifically told me to leave it alone.  That gift basket is taunting me.  It's asking me to tamper with it (especially since I was told to leave it alone).  I told Andrew that we should cut open the snacks and put them in different Ziplock bags, and pretend to eat them, just to mess with Dad.   Andrew says, "You know Mom- if you used your brain for useful things instead of aggravating Dad, we would probably not have to go back and forth to get this drivers ed stuff worked out." 

And it's clear Andrew is now more mature than me. 


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